Thursday, February 3, 2011

Brought to you by the letter C

For whatever reason, all the shows that I watched yesterday had a certain theme. The theme was confidence in women. Hooray! It was such a nice change from some of the shows that I watch where it's always the women who do something wrong and it takes a whole show, if not the whole series to correct this mistake.

For example, in Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Within 5 minutes of the first episode of this series, this woman captain takes off in a new ship, she and her crew get lost in space and it takes some ridiculous amount of seasons for her to find her way home.

But on yesterday's shows, some were real life women who made choices in their lives that totally boosted their confidence. This boost made them into a better woman! For example, there was a guest on Oprah who basically cried on the show, and then said that she continues to be with this man because she doesn't think she can find someone else who will love her and this is the best she can get. Depressing. And I was so mad because this woman was worth more than that. Fast forward 10 years later, she dumped that loser of a man, felt confident to start up a business and start a new life. YEAH!

Then of course, there was Charlie's Angels with Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz. Sure, it was a crazy movie. But these were loveable characters and I was totally drawn to their odd ways because they were confident in their skills and confident in just being themselves.

From artists, to creators, to business women, etc. But seriously, every show had some confident woman on there. LOVED IT! Love girl power!

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