Thursday, November 27, 2008

Post Wedding Part II

So, as mentioned, I didn't have a wonderful time at my mom's wedding. I'm still not going into it.

However, my brother went to my dad's place for dinner last night and he just got grilled. My dad and stepmom were really wanting details. Curiousity? Or should I hazzard a guess of poor nosiness!! My poor brother. That's a lot to take.

I figured after all the grilling there would be nothing to ask me. I went to dinner to their place tonight and boy, I got a grilling too!! To verify what my brother said..."is it true that this happened?!"

Man, why didn't they just come to the wedding? Would have saved me a lot of time talking about it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My eldest daughter is actually quite good at reading considering she's not even 5 yet. Actually, I think she's really good. Maybe I'm bragging and biased, but she's well beyond A, B, Cs. She can read many 4 syllable words which is more than I can do on a given day.

So, on Sunday, we decided that as a family, we were going to go to the One of a Kind show. But we'd take the skytrain. Both kids propped themselves up so they could see out the window. My eldest started to read every sign that she could see.

"Burger King, Rogers, Home Depot, Skytrain, Safeway, Fantasy World." Well, we were in good old New Westminster where I guess there were a ton of porn shops. And she happened to read one of the porn store names. I was killing myself laughing.

I'm sure she thought it was a store full of unicorns and fairies.


Well, on Saturday, I went to my mom's wedding. Yep. This must be her 3rd. I've lost count. However, it was just awkward.

Imagine, the last time I saw my mom was approximately 9 years ago. That's a lot of time. And, imagine my surprise when I had to talk to her on the phone. I honestly thought my grandma was dead. Why else would she call me?

Anyways, the wedding was not my cup of tea. I won't bore you with details. I know that out of pure respect, I went and saw my mom at her own wedding. I'm happy for her as she seems to have found a guy that truly understands her and that she does a ton of activities with.

But call me a person with a lot of boundaries, I'm not willing to go out and start a relationship with her again. A lot of time has past. And I realize that I'm not going to be the mom to my kids as she was to me. I'm ok with that. I guess I'm protecting myself too. I'm tired of getting hurt by her. And I just won't stand for it anymore. She made her choices as I've made mine.

I don't wish her any ill will, but I don't see a reason to continue a heart felt relationship with her. Quite sad isn't it?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ahhh...the infamous Black Friday sale is the US! Boo. I'm in Canada. I could probably cross the border. But I'd have to leave my house pretty darn early to get anywhere and to get in line for some good sales. However, if I lived in the US, you know I'd be out there shopping like a fiend. I can't believe some of the deals that you can get.

I'm totally jealous that I'm not going. However, I'm probably saving myself a TON of money by not going. LOL!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


My husband sent this video to me. And I looked at the time on was about 10 minutes long. I tend not to watch videos that are that long because really, life is passing me by. But I couldn't stop watching this video. This guy has got horseshoes up his YING YANG! I've watched The Price is Right for so many years and I have never seen anything like this. I just kept laughing.

But you do realize that after watching this, this guy's life can only go downhill.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I don't say boo to scare you. I'm saying it to actually BOO some people in life. I'm all for people having a bad day and cursing everybody out. And I've been in funks myself where I don't want to be anything but negative. However, eventually, I realize I need to get out of that bad place.

And I'm putting it out there, I don't like people nor do I choose to be with people that are "consistently" negative. I'm not talking about the people who've suddenly run into rough times because they can still see the positive in things. It's the negative people that consistently see things half empty and for whatever reason and want to consistently complain to me...all the time...about everything.

Now, I don't think I have a sign that says "complain to me for free." So what is it that attracts some of the biggest whiners near me. I've basically told some of these people to bugger off and I actually ignore them, but somehow they see that as an invitation to come back to me.

Ever since my husband's illness, I've really tried to align myself with positive people and those are the ones that you see me with or staying in contact with. Life really is too short to complain about everything when if you just opened your eyes, you'd notice there is so much good surrounding you. And I refuse to give negative people my energy when it can go to other people and other activities. I can tell the difference between a bad funk and a bad attitude. Don't think I'm that stupid. So, for all you negative people, why don't you spend some of that energy changing your attitude and outlook. It really would make for a better place.

Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now. Well, at least for tonight.


I recently went to Reitman's as I had to buy a shirt. There was this great looking shirt that looked like it would fit me properly. And because it was in the petites section, I knew the length would be appropriate.

I went to go try this shirt on, buttoned it up, and everything seemed fine. Then I looked in the mirror. WHOA. Boob central. You know that line on the shirt around the chest's supposed to go UNDER the boobs not on the boobs.

For an asian girl, my boobs are much bigger than they should be. In some ways I think it's a curse because petite clothing doesn't really account for bigger chested women. And yet, I hear a ton of my friends who have smaller chests who'd like a little extra.

Seriously. Give me a call and I'll happily donate. No charge! Just take it out and it's yours. No silicone, nothing. Just pure fat for you.

Maybe then, I'll get some clothing that fits me properly.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Not a Stranger

The other night, I had the opportunity to go to a focus group. I like doing them because I get to express my opinion (good or bad) about a product/idea and I get paid for it. Works for me!

So, this last one I went to had to do with new commercials for Tim Horton's. I gave my gut reaction, told them what I thought the message was, gave some ideas and that was the end of it. Four ideas and done in less than an hour.

When the researcher went to the back to ensure that she had everything recorded, the rest of the focus group started to talk. Part of the conversation revolved around different coffee shops we visit. Me and this one girl kept saying the same places. I eventually asked her where she worked. I gave her the cross streets (I don't want to tell strangers where I work...who knows if they're sane!!). She said she worked right around there. Then she proceeded to tell me where she worked.

Well, long story short. We work at the same bloody building. She works on the 3rd floor but I work on the 2nd. There's really no need for me to go upstairs and that's probably why I don't see her. And I figured she was new as I pretty much know most folks in our office. The kicker...she's been there for 2 years.

Hard to believe that two people could be working in the same building for so long and not bump into each other....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


My eldest kid has been asking my husband to pick her up from daycare at night. She's said on more than 1 occassion that she doesn't like it when I pick her up. I must admit, I was slightly crushed. I always thought we had a really good relationship and couldn't figure out what was going on.

And sure enough, she asked her dad..."Daddy, what day are you picking me up?" As a mom, how does that make you feel. Pretty crappy.

So, when I went to go pick her up tonight, I asked the caregivers to do me a favour. Maybe they could just ask her here and there why she likes daddy picking her up and not mommy. I've tried different ways of asking and not getting an answer. Figured maybe the care givers could get something out of her.

As one caregiver said, "It's not rocket science...your husband takes her to McDonald's each time he picks her up."

I am happy that the two of them have their little ritual and time together and I can finally understand what's going on. But how is a mom supposed to compete with a happy meal?

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Well, last week was just a bunch of tears. And for once, it had nothing to do with sadness. I cried for a number of reasons last week that I was actually happy about.

I cried for Barack Obama. When he came on to do his speech, the first thing I thought about was his Grandma. I wish she could have seen him that day. Secondly, I cried because I never thought that in my lifetime I would see something so amazing happen. A black President. I didn't think the American people were ready, but they were. They waited for hours to vote. They were inspired by the one man. They found hope in their country once again. And they truly believed that their one vote, their one voice could make a difference. HOW powerful is all of that? I cried when he made his speech. How eloquent and classy. And hats off to McCain too. He was a really good loser and classy as hell the way he lost. I was truly inspired by the US election and was happy for the US people.

I cried during my Olympic session. I'm being considered for a volunteer position for the 2010 games. At one point, they passed around the official Torino 2006 Olympic Games torch. I was in awe. Then they started to show all these Olympic videos and I just cried. Talk about pulling at heart strings. But it just made it even more special that I was there to be part of this. As they say, this is part of my Olympic journey. I don't know if I'll get picked as they have to interview 60,000 people but they only need 25,000 volunteers. Regardless, I went and tried out for it. I would have beat myself up if I didn't.

And I cried in Grey's Anatomy this week. I love this show, but it just seemed extra powerful this week. There was an old guy that basically had a DNR wife. She never woke up and he couldn't bear to let her go. And it was also an episode that really pressed home the respect for those that has passed. I don't know...hit me hard.

So, tears, tears, tears. But it's all good. Like I said, I cried for some pretty neat things this week.

Monday, November 3, 2008


The day has come. November 4th. The election will take place and for 2 years, we will have some peace before the next election race begins. It's much too long. I'm nauseated by all the smear campaigns. I'm tired of the SNL skits. I liked our election..nice short and sweet.

But tomorrow, I will watch the election (especially since my little event with the former Prime Minster Paul Martin got cancelled). For once, I'm interested who will win.

And in one town in the US, nineteen people can't wait to vote. This small town only has 19 people. In the Town Hall, they have 19 individual stations where those 19 people will vote all at once at 12:00am November 4th. As it's somewhere in the east coast, I'm staying up to watch. They're counting their results after all of them have voted. The power of 19. And to me, that is a powerful statement. They believe that their votes and country is important enough to go to the polling station.

I hope for the US's sake, as many people vote as possible. This is an absolute privelage and to have people blow it for no reason is just painful. Good on those 19 folks.

Post Madonna

Ok, I think I've come back to earth from my Madonna concert. O-M-G. It was such a fantastic concert. There's no need for a play by play because that's like showing someone your vacation pictures that go on forever. Just know that ..."She can dance" and she could "Get into the Groove." For the first 5 minutes all I kept doing was looking on the big screen and looking at her ass!! It was tight and perky.

However, I have a friend that has a friend that works security. She was there during Madonna's sound check and actual performance. During the sound check, she got to talk to the dancers, see Madonna in her element, etc. So that same butt that I was staring at, apparently, there was some "work" done before the show to make her 50 year old butt look that good. Apparently there were some other "secrets" which I can't wait to hear about.

Regardless, I'd pay mega bucks to see this woman again and to stare at her ass.


Ok, I know I don't have seasonal affective disorder. There are a ton of people at my office that do though. And wow, this terrible weather is hitting them HARD. I can see why people leave in droves to hotter places just to get some sun. Or even if they leave to colder climates, it's cold AND clear with sun. That little ball of fire makes all the difference in the world.

It's always this time of year that I wished that I was on vacation. Outer Banks seems like a great idea. However, I'd need to find some money to pay all the taxes and surcharges on my flight there. If I'm desperate enough...maybe.


That dreaded month is coming up. Yes, happy things happen during this time. That includes Christmas and of my kid's having their birthday. But December also brings about our alarm and insurance payments for the year. Quite hefty but needed. I always say to myself that I will get ample air miles out of these two transactions. But it doesn't ease the pain.

Yet, I am not willing to live without things like home insurance. I figure that we put that much into the equity of a home. You should protect it. I hope that I never have to draw on it...but if I do, I hope that it will do what it's intended to do.

Game Systems

Last year, the rage was the Wii and PS3. I've considered getting one of these systems. But honestly, we have a do we need the next one up? Guess I'm not that into all the different changes. I think the one thing that prevents me from getting the PS3 is the ultimate price. I guess with all the upgrades, etc., it's worth the price...? Perhaps the price will come down this year.

But I have a feeling I'm not going to get anything because I honestly don't have time to play. I've barely started any of the games I have and I can't foresee ever finishing them. Buying a game system at this point would probably be a total waste of my money.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Magic Pills

My co-worker went through liposuction about 3 months ago instead of taking the diet pillsPersonal choice for her. I'm not sure if she tried the pill route first. She says it's the best $11,000 she's ever spent.

But you always hear these stories of the weight coming back quickly because you as the individual have not changed your habits. So far, I think she's ok. However, I told my husband that if he could guarantee me a lifetime of whatever procedure I wanted, I'd give him a 3rd baby.

Well, I guess he can't guarantee me that because I'd need a hell of a lot of work done. =) He'd be so poor we couldn't feed our current two kids let alone the third!!

But we'll see what my options are for the future.