Monday, December 31, 2012


New Year's Eve.  Seems crazy that it's already the end of the year!  Each year it seems to go by quicker and quicker.  

It's been an interesting year.  Some highs and lows, but that's true for everybody.  But taking the time to reflect, there was a lot of good things that happened this year and I'm truly grateful.  For those not so great times, well, what can I say?   Can't say I long for them.  But it's true that it's those moments that your true colours come out and it's moments like those that define you and shape you.   

So, I hang on to the good moments.  There have been many.  And for those people that continue to be in my life, I am truly grateful and thankful for them.  We may not always agree on everything.  But I think we have a great time with each other and we are supportive of each other in so many ways.  Would rather have a small handful of friends like that than a huge bunch of people in my life that serve no purpose.  

Not sure what 2013 will bring and that's ok.  No dread, no fear.    Just a bit of wonderment.  

Wishing you all the best in 2013!  

Sunday, December 30, 2012

TV Viewing

The one "advantage" of being sick over the holidays is that you can watch tv...all day long.   And I really do mean, all day long.  You feel like crap, but you can't sleep.  You can't really clean because you don't have the energy but you want to be somewhat entertained.  Reading is good, but it does take some effort.  

So I caught up on a lot of tv this holiday.  Seems like a bit of waste of a holiday, but resting is never a bad thing.  Work and life is crazy at the best of times.   Almost seems like you have to be sick just to rest! 

But I digress.  Caught up on a gazillion CSI shows.  My goodness.  When you can start naming off diseases and possible causes of death just because you're used to the format of the show, you know you've watched a lot.  I know...nothing says Christmas holidays like CSI and murders.  

Million Dollar Houses.   Wow.  That is just crack for me.  Crazy houses/rooms worth millions of dollars each.  It's a good thing they don't film in Vancouver as they'd get a complete dump for a million dollars.  But these houses and room are just unbelievable.  I don't know how many times I had to pick up my jaw.  My hubby was the same way.  The kids were screaming as they were so excited about some of the houses.   But it's true, why are these people spending that kind of money on houses?!   The perspective just isn't there.    

Coronation Street.  I can't believe I got hooked on this UK soap opera.  I can write the story lines.  But I think it's the accents.  Seriously.  Everything sounds better in accents.  

Live Here.  Buy This.  Yep.  Total crack like Million Dollar Houses.  All the places I'd want to live at way cheaper prices than my house.  I don't know why I watch this show as it actually makes me sick to my stomach.  To think that a Vancouver home could afford me a total life of luxury some place else. I'm not slumming it...but luxury would be nice!  

And last but not least, An Idiot Abroad.  OMG.  This is comedy gold.  As Ricky Gervais's the most expensive practical joke for my amusement.  As a person who likes to travel, I like travel shows.  But this guy is sent to travel and go an assignments and he's really not into it.  He's constantly got his inner monologue on and it's just hilarious!  I haven't finished the series, but I'm hoping he comes out a changed man as his adventures are pretty wild.  I would love to try something like that.  Though, I hope I would never be called an Idiot Abroad.  

So, here's to catching up on some shows before I head back to work.  My PVR is much clearer now.  

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas was quiet this year as it was just us.  We had celebrated with the different sides of the family and we had the day to ourselves. 

It was good as we got to chill all day.  I still had to cook every meal but that was still reasonable. I didn't feel guilty one bit when I sat my butt down to watch tv.  My husband and I caught up on a whole bunch of shows!  Woo hoo!  

The kids got to play with their toys, read their books and just have fun...all day long.   They had favourite foods only.  Chocolate? food group that day.  Cookies, absolutely!  Hot cocoa...a must!  Bacon...lots and lots of bacon. 

The only downfall is that we were all feeling a bit unwell.  We all contracted a cold/mild case of the flu.  So it was probably good that we weren't with family.  So chilling was absolutely needed for us to all get better.   I can tell we are definitely good at chilling. 

And just like that, another Christmas!  I've got over 300 days to plan for the next one.  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

It's hard to believe it's Christmas Eve.  Seems like the year has just whirled by and I barely blinked.  

Tomorrow, my one kid will be 9.  I still remember giving birth to her on Christmas Day and coming home later that week to stick her under the Christmas tree for a picture.  Other Christmas memories include having my husband home from surgery, having my youngest climb up on the train set as if she was Godzilla, putting up the baby hat on the tree that my Christmas baby was given by the nurses and putting up the ornaments on the tree...with each ornament having its own story. 

I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring.  Hopefully just lots of laughter and wonderful memories.  To you and your loved ones, may you have a wonderful day celebrating the holiday and each other.  

Sunday, December 23, 2012


My hubby wants to buy a new mattress.  This one just isn't working out for him anymore.  Poor guy has a bad back so he needs a mattress that works for him.  I'm fine with this mattress.  I can sleep just about anywhere.  

But try going into a mattress store to get the right type of mattress.  Everybody seems to say something different.  Oh yes, a memory foam mattress is perfect.  Oh, no, you need to go with a double coil one.  Oh, why would you get one without a the zip top cover?  

Ummm.  How about we get one that feels comfortable for him?  

So we'll see.  I can't say I enjoy mattress shopping.  


As I was searching harmonicas, inevitably, my search guided me to other things.  Oooo...a best h4n digital recorder?  Sure, I'll click on that.  

Wow.  The specs are cool on these things.  The only problem is that I'm not a professional musician nor do I have music studio.  Gosh.  The little gadgets I could have if I had an actual studio.  I used to do the MIDI type of musical making (gosh, I'm aging myself).  That's the closest I've gotten to using a studio.  

But I'm no famous musician.  I'll leave the gadgets and studios to them.  


As I was cleaning, I found an old harmonica my mom gave to me.  My kids have destroyed it.  But I didn't have a lot of attachment to it.  And really, what don't my kids destroy?  

But I thought, since they broke this one...what if I got them a new one?  Not sure how I'd like the noise though.  

And so I went and did a google search.  A lot of different sites came up which actually suprised me.  But I decided to check out hohner harmonica at Musician's Friend.  Really surprises me about all different types of harmonicas!  Really?  

But I guess it doesn't matter the cost or type...if you can't play, you can't play.  Maybe I'll save my money and my ears by not getting my kids a new one.  


Well, it's just about Christmas and I'm off for a couple of days.  YES.  Lots to do but at the same time, nothing too crazy.  I feel like I've got everything, wrapped everything and done what I can.  And really, I don't want to head to the stores if I don't have to!  

But one of the things that I've been doing is throwing some old school notes away.  It's taken a while to get to this point.  But I'm doing it. I don't need my notes on e commerce workflow anymore.   Forensic Psychology?  Nope.  Though it does make it more fun when watching Criminal Minds.  Chemistry 101?  Ummm...haven't had to draw out carbohydrate molecules in a while.  Stats?  Loved stats...but really, no need to deal with Z scores these days.  

You get the picture.  Lots of info that makes me feel dumb now as I've probably forgotten everything.  But at least it'll make a little extra room in the house.  


I don't know what it is about kids, but they just love to roll about in bed.  For no reason but to just roll around and get dizzy.  

The more covers, blankets and pillows, the better!  The dizzier they get...awesome!  

I don't mind it because when they're in that moment, they're laughing and it's the good type of giggle.  Now, if they would just make the bed after they're done as it's ALWAYS my bed that they do this activity in!


I know quite a few people who do yoga...some are even yoga instructors.  I've yet to take an actual class.  I like the idea of it all.  But just haven't gotten my butt to a class.  Part of the reason is that the timing of my work and life doesn't coincide with when classes happen.  

I'm not sure if it will give me the type of exercise I want though.  Seems very relaxing, but I don't know if it's my thing.  Almost seems a little too relaxing.  

Though I must admit that I like all the equipment and apparel.  I really like the yoga blocks from  They look SO awesome.  I could throw it at someone and it wouldn't even hurt.  

I love the idea of yoga pants but my pot belly just won't allow for it.   I'd look like a sausage!!!

So maybe in the future I'll get to a yoga class.  Until then, other exercise classes for me.  

Saturday, December 22, 2012


This hospital ward that I've been going to has every patient hooked up to a pulse oximeter.  It's to measure the blood-oxygen level in a patient.  It's actually pretty cool and I'm so glad it's non-invasive.  

As a patient, the less you have in/on you, the better.   Better yet, not being sick.  

Seriously, I want nothing but good health for people so they can live out their lives the way they want.  But if it's their time to go, I would hope that they could go peacefully.  

Not sure what is going to happen to this patient.   But I am quite worried.  There is nothing I can do though at this point.  Just wait and see.  


In previous posts, I talked about helmets for my brother who sometimes rides a motorbike. Went to some websites including a website to check out shoei helmets.  They seem cool enough.  But my question is this...why such a price difference?  Is the $190 helmet going to protect him properly versus the $500?  

That's a big price difference!  Nice to know that there is one but it makes me wonder if the lower one is as safe?!  Gosh.  I feel old now.  Maybe the kid shouldn't ride a motorbike.....


I've had to make some recent hospital visits.  Those are never fun, especially during Christmas time.  But it's not about me.  It's about the other person that it in the hospital.  They need people's support.  And if that means me going in to say hello, then that's what I will do.  

The ward I'm visiting has a lot of older people in it.  The nurses seem fantastic.  But they have terrible scrubs uniforms.  But I guess wearing the cool and cute ones are probably not a great idea in a ward with older patients. 

I'm contemplating going tomorrow.  But I'm not so sure.  I have a cold as my kids do.  I'm worried that the patient will catch it.  And that would just be terrible.  

Will give it some thought and go from there.  Sending good vibes hoping the patient is a-ok and  can go home for Christmas.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I was downstairs tonight looking for something.  Then I noticed a box that I didn't recognize.  Thought I'd open it to see what was there.  

I found some old textbooks, knick knacks and a trophy.  I had a good laugh as it was a trophy that I got in grade 7.  No, not a special trophy for winning an event or doing well at school.  It was a gift from my friend's mom.  

The trophy was for my grade 7 graduation.  She thought by giving me a trophy, I would be motivated to do well.  Hmmmm.  Now that I'm older, I wonder if she thought I was a little dull or not "the brightest star in the sky?"  But she must have spent some good money on it as it was a pinewood derby trophy.  

Not sure what to do with it as it doesn't hold much memory for me.  Can't sell it in a garage sale.      Can't give it to my kid's as it has my name on it.  

Oooo.  Maybe it can join hula doll on the next trip.  


Well, here on the West Coast, when snow arrives, chaos ensues.  Doesn't matter if it's 1/2 an inch or 30 inches.  The city just cannot function.

And today was an epic example.  I was extremely thankful that I was working from home today so I could miss all the craziness.  I didn't miss the previous day's chaos but one day of chaos is more than enough.  

From a billion dollar bridge that people couldn't cross, to traffic accidents galore, to cars off in the was a bad day for commuting in the snow.  

If there is any more snow this winter...please, please, please...let it be up in the mountains where the snow buffs will enjoy it, where we can continue to get our water from when it melts, and it's in a place no where near the city for another day of chaos. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Get Together

I got a chance to get together with my one group of great friends this weekend.  It was our annual Christmas get together.  It was small but as always, lots of fun.  Great food, great conversation and lots of laughs. 

It's a shame I don't see these people on a more regular basis.  But it's great that when we get together, we just pick up where we last left off.  

Perhaps my circle of friends isn't huge.  But it's perfect to me.  And I'm happy to be part of their lives.  

What Do We Do?

Everywhere you go, there is someone talking about the awful incident in Connecticut. There are a gamut of emotions.  From sheer sadness to pure anger to absolute disbelief.   Just a huge range of emotions...what more can I say? 

But then ultimately, the conversation swings to what needs to be done.  There are the strong believers that gun control is the answer.  I don't think it's so simple.  Of course, gun control would anger all those that couldn't have their access to guns for legitimate activities such as hunting.  

This next part is purely my opinion and I know some would disagree with me.  And that's ok.  But the reality is, our society keeps stripping resources from organizations and hospitals that deal with the mentally ill.  How can one even begin to be rational with an irrational person?  Their behaviours and actions are not predictable.  Gun control in itself is not the answer.  It's also about providing families with support to deal with the mentally ill.  If we had sane people in this society, the current gun laws we have would most likely be "enough."  

It's easy to strip resources from places that we don't see "big" outcomes.  It's easy to send these people to other organizations to deal with them, but the problem is, these other places don't have the resources or knowledge to deal with the mentally ill.  And so, many, many people who need help are not getting it.  

There could have been other factors such as bullying, etc.  But when a person isn't mentally ok, those actions that people have taken towards them are not easily handled and makes them easy to snap.  

Preventative medicine in itself, just as gun control is only part of the answer to a healthy society.  

Friday, December 14, 2012


There are days that I struggle with people's first world problems.  Really struggle.  

Like millions of others today, I'm wondering why in the world that one man would go into a school and kill so many innocent people.  And that includes 20 young children.  What was his issue that caused him to unleash such pain on others?  Something about the pain of a ex girlfriend.  Not to say that wouldn't be painful, but to bring about such hell on others?  Why?  Those innocent people did nothing to you...nothing.    

Unfathomable.  Tragic.  Heartbreaking. 

As a parent, this makes me cry and ache for those parents who will never see their children again.  All that joy...gone.  All the dreams...vanished.  A child should never leave before a parent.    

An event like this, regardless of what time of year, would be painful for bystanders and those impacted by this tragedy.   But so close to Christmas?  There are really are no words to explain or even justify this sad event.   Those left behind will never view life, community, school or Christmas ever the same again.  They have been forever tainted all because one man had a first world problem and he wanted someone to pay for it.  

May the community rally together behind one another.  Of those that left well before their time, may you rest in peace. 


Whenever I have to make some briefing note or some report to somebody, I wish I could go fancy on them.  I never get to do any presentation folder printing as I want something fancy.  

I can rarely do colour as the documents take forever to print and we don't have a colour photocopier.   I can only use certain colours of paper for certain pages.  And those colours suck.  Pastels are not my thing. 

I think next time, I'll just bring in my origami paper and fold stuff.  I'm sure our visitors would find that amusing.  

Calgary Stampede

I'd love to go to the Stampede one day.  Looks like a ton of fun. 

But I don't think I'd make a good cowgirl.   I look terrible in a cowboy hat too?  Yeesh.  Though someone did mention to me that Buckskin Cowboy Hats may be a good option.  

But I really don't think any cowboy hat would look good.  And I have to get boots too?  No way.  Give me my runners and chunky shoes anytime.  

What?  Cowboy vests and collar thingies too?  What the....?!  

I just want to go and party.  I'm not good at the dressing up part.  Maybe they have the Stampede with a section for those that don't want to dress up?  One could hope.  


My brother rides a motorbike some of the time.  I worry about him as he's been in accidents before.  Thankfully, he does wear a helmet. 

But I think at one point, he said he was wearing one that didn't meet Canadian standards.  DUDE.  Get a real helmet!  There are a gazillion types out there that do meet standards of this country AND will probably save your life if you need it.  

How about a Shoei RF-1100 Glacier?  Actually, they do look really cool.  

So here's to hoping my brother gets a REAL helmet.  


Most telemarketers are totally harmless.  But lately, there have been people calling saying that there is something wrong with my computer, it's been infected by a virus and it's IT folks claling to do a Windows cleanup .

I didn't fall for it because I did hear about others who had fallen victim to this crime (basically they get charged $200 on their credit card for a service that never happens).  That's a good chunk of money to part with. 

Instead, I just lead them on.  I make all these sounds like I'm very worried/scared about the whole situation.  Then I start asking them if they can specify what virus I've been infected with or from what site.  They can never tell me.  

Then after I've had my fun and games, I tell him my husband is a techie and I know they're a fraud.  Click!  

Well, if these types of nasty telemarketers are going to waste my time, I'm going to waste theirs. 


Honestly, it takes me and my husband years if not a full decade to decide on certain things for the house.  The one painting we have that we quite like took us 12 years to find.  Climbing Everest might have been easier. 

Now the question is curtains.  Ones that block out a ton of light or ones that are the sheers curtains that let in some light?  Pros and cons to each.  

And then even if we figure out what type of curtain, then it's the colour.  I might retire before we actually decide.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Cards

This year, I opted for smaller Christmas cards.  Nothing too fancy.  But definitely smaller.  

So, I wrote out all my cards.   As many were being mailed, made sure I had everybody's addresses on them properly.  I was happy that I had them all done, ready to be sent out.  I had some packages too, so I thought I'd send all the mail and packages at once.

Imagine my surprise when I showed them my stack of letters to be sent out and the said I didn't have enough postage.  I had those special stamps that had a P on it which should have allowed me to send my mail regardless of what the postage cost was.  

The issue was the size of my card.  It was considered too small.  In order for the post office to deal with those cards, they needed close to triple to postage.  Are you kidding me?  It's smaller, not tiny.  They're smaller, but not atom sized.  They're smaller, not so small you can't hold it.  

I was choked...all that time for nothing.  But then, I'm not going to rip off the stamps and buy new cards.  I'm going to a mailbox tomorrow and just dumping them all in.  I've already warned people they may not get their cards.  But here's hoping that they do!


I have obviously been married much too long.  I was at an appointment the other day and I happened to pick up a wedding magazine.  Those are always fun to look at.  See new trends, party ideas, pretty dresses and whatever else that goes into a wedding.  

Then I noticed that every ring seemed to have a designer behind it.  For example, scott kay bands.  They were quite a few designs and some were very pretty.  

But I guess what hit me was that I didn't realize how many name brands there were for rings.  Holy smokes...mind blowing.

Glad I'm not getting married anytime soon.  I don't think I'd be able to make a good choice on rings!


As I mentioned the other day, I went to my kid's Christmas concert.  One of the "highlights" was the band playing.  I've been in band and I get that we all have to start somewhere.  None of us were good in our first year.  We just deceived ourselves into thinking that we were awesome. 

Because kids are not great in their first year, the equipment shouldn't be great either.  Why spend a gazillion bucks for an instrument they may like or may continue with.  If they like it, they can work up to better equipment.  For example, start off with a used electric guitar and work your way up to affordable fender jaguar

But hey, that's me.  Some parents want to start off with the best for their kids.  To each their own.  


Should I go with one of those plastic or one of those leather wallets.  Maybe even pleather or fabric?

I always have this conversation with myself when it's time to look at new wallets.  Do I really need one right now?  Probably not.  But because I'm working downtown, I have more opportunities to just window shop.  Lots of good sales too!  Maybe too many.  

But I'm not seriously looking for a new wallet but it's time to start.  I know.  Such drama over something so tiny.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Play

It was time for the Christmas concert at the local school.  Both my kidlets were in it.  Wasn't sure what to expect this year.  Last year's was AMAZING as they had a person come in and coordinate everything.  It was honestly like a Broadway play.  So good!  I wanted to buy the music.  

But this year, they went for the performances from each class.  The band had some issues because there were some songs that took me until the middle of the song to figure out what carol they were playing.  They were so keen that you couldn't help but clap and be proud of them.  The younger kids are adorable whatever the heck they do.  Lots of cute reindeer kids, cute elves, and good singing.  Overall, it was great and the school kids were cute!

Little sad that my hubby and youngest ended up not going to the concert.  The youngest couldn't perform.  Talk about rainbow yawns!  My goodness.  That kid was sitting by the toilet quite a bit just in case she had to vomit.  And when she did, it was pretty "awesome."  

Since I'm the camera bug, I went.  Was sorry to miss my little one performing as she totally practised.  But the other kid did well.  She played Jingle Bells on the ukulele.  

Another year, another concert.