Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Traffic Nightmare

It was a traffic nightmare commuting home after a truck hit an overpass.  I thought I was ahead of the game as I heard about it.  I felt even more fortunate as I was getting a ride home.

But OMG.  Every single alternate route that I could have taken was blocked or had traffic issues.  Even other accidents.  It always surprises me when this type of traffic chaos happens...on a sunny day.  

The traffic was so bad that I was late picking up the kids.  Thank goodness this is the first time.  But of course it was the one night that the daycare worker had to go somewhere by a certain time.  

It's a new day and hopefully a day full of traffic awesomeness.  One can only hope!

Sunday, October 20, 2013


I'm so thankful that my kids got teachers they love this year.  Has made a real difference for the whole family. 

At one point, my oldest kid got a teacher that did not mesh with her.  I didn't think she was a bad teacher, just personally, was not a good match with my kid.  And it doesn't matter, there are people we just will not get along with, but you need to figure out how to work with them and deal with them.  

I had a lot of conversations with my one kid about this.  It's life.  She just had to make it through the year the best that she could, learn what she could and deal with the teacher.   Considering how much she loathed the teacher, her grades were actually very good.  But it really did not make for a happy school year.  

Fast forward to this year, that same kid has no issues doing her homework, talks about what she's learning, is happy with her class and enjoying school.  All because of a different teacher.  Sure makes life around here a lot easier.  But she's learned some good lessons about life and people from last year.  She isn't taking this awesome teacher for granted.

As for my other kid, she was able to get a teacher she's had before.  Actually, both of my kids have now had her twice and I'm just thrilled.  This teacher really brings out the best in kids and I'm happy to see that she's enjoying school too.  

So thankful for a happy school year!

Sunday, October 6, 2013


For those that know, getting my ears pierced was a really big thing.  And that's because my dad had some real issues with getting holes in my ear. 

But at a recent dinner, he sort of gave me his blessing to go do it.  And really, I'm close to 40!  I shouldn't have to have to get his blessing.  But it was this long standing issue I've had with my dad and it was really hard to shake. 

So sure enough, I went to get it done.   The  woman was sweet.  Though she couldn't understand why it took me so long.   The length of time it took me to do it, one would think it was because I was making some life altering decision.  Nope.  Just two little holes in my ear. 

Part of my decision of wanting to get them was because of travelling!   When I go travelling now,  I tend to get jewellery of some sort.  Every time I wear it, I get to reminisce about where I was, when I got it, and all the other great memories of that trip.  Earrings will now give me a bigger option in terms of travelling souvenirs.  

I'm thinking Croatia will have some nifty souvenirs for me!  

First Week Back

It was my first week back to work this week after a bit of a hiatus.  Wow.  Talk about a bit of information overload.  This weekend, I really do feel a bit jet lagged just due to the information that was coming in and what needed to be done.  I survived and am caught up.  PHEW.

It certainly was nice to see folks I liked and getting caught up on everything under the sun.  Maybe some different adult interaction is what I needed.  In some ways, there were so many changes in the workplace and yet in some instances, it's like nothing changed.  

The only thing that has been really difficult is getting up at 4:45 again.  Wowsers.  It was easy during the summer, but now that it's dark in the mornings.  It's a real chore.  And especially since my carpooling will be ending shortly and I will have no more work at home days.  Actually, everybody is mourning the fact that we will no longer have work at home days.

I know, I know.  First world problems.  But the time and commute really does change how our family will run.  But we will make it work. retirement year.  It's soon right?