Saturday, May 29, 2010


Sometimes, there are friends that you know are great and amazing people...but you don't really realize how amazing they are until something happens!

Recently, I was in a situation which the details don't matter too much. But my friend didn't say anything the whole time I was in the situation. It wasn't anything dangerous or detrimental to my health so it was an extra reason to not say anything.

Either way, she kept her mouth shut until recently because my situation ended and it was because I made a decision about things. That's when my friend came up to me and talked to me about what had happened. At first I was confused at why she didn't say anything. But she made it clear that it wasn't her place to judge, or to make comments. And I'm so glad she didn't.

Because she didn't say anything, I had to go through this situation and at the end of it all, I really learned a lot. It really was a life lesson that I won't forget.

So as much as we expect great friends to guide us and support us by being there all the time, sometimes it's those friends who stay back when they know it's best that know how to support us best.

Burning It

One of my co-workers recently lost over 100 pounds. That is so awesome. She's tiny now!!! And she's literally a different person. I love it!!! I think she should teach the rest of us. If anything, we should have some workouts at the office with her. What's her secret to having a fat burner body? Well, everything that we know we should be doing...eating less crap, less white flour, eating well and exercising.

How she keeps her motivation, I have no clue. But it's just so nice to see someone who has struggled with her weight for so long make so much headway. Now, when people are turning to look at her, they're thinking that she's done an amazing job with her body.

Inside Out

I've heard that saying of "you are what you eat." Makes sense...goes along with that saying of garbage in, garbage out. Now...if I could shove less garbage in me.

Anyways, I saw an ad for people with acne. Didn't think much about it. But I thought it was interesting that they really took the approach of what you put inside your body will affect how your body is outside. Acneticin is its name.

I've never personally tried it, but I think the idea is good!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Today, I brought my 2 girls in for a haircut. For my eldest kid, this is only her 4th haircut of her life. The first time I took her, she just had a lot of dead hair. Time for it to go. And then each time from there, I just let her grow her hair out, and then cut it when it gets too long.

For my youngest, I think she likes the experience of getting her haircut. Today was only the 2nd in her life.

Both of them wanted shorter hair. Shorter to me is a trim. But no, they wanted a good chunk cut off. They both wanted it shoulder length. I was worried that they'd do it, and then cry because it was "too" short. The hairdressers asked them numerous times, "are you sure you want it that short? Once it's gone, it's gone."

Each time, both girls answered that they wanted it chopped to their shoulders (that's a good 6 inches or so off their hair length). I think it was more me that had a problem with it being so short.

But now that it's done, they are beaming because they love their new haircut. They love the length and the body of it. If anything, it feel so much lighter for them. Summer is around the corner and I don't want them steaming hot.

I'm really happy that they love their new do. And I'm extra happy that they didn't regret the shorter hair...I don't think I could have dealt with the tears!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Ok, so one of my latest product testing items was Nabob Coffee. I like coffee and I feel like I need an IV of that stuff on most days. So I was quite excited to try the stuff.

When I received my package, I was quite suprised, because I received 2 full canisters. I thought they would be the small pack...enough for a cup or something. But no, full on canisters. Well, my excitement definitely peaked. Big samples are awesome!

I got a breakfast blend and original. And both smelled great when I opened them. After trying them, not bad at all considering it's a "store" brand. I'm not a huge fan of "store" brand coffees. They don't seem to have the ooomph of a name brand coffee such as a certain Seattle chain if you get my drift!

But I was pleasantly suprised. However, if I were to buy it again, I think I'd stick with the original. The breakfast blend was lighter. And honestly, sometimes you need that big whack of caffeine in the morning. Nothing else will do.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Sun, sun, Mr. Golden sun,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down!

Yep, my kids were singing it today. And I couldn't help but sing along. I must say, even the nastiest people in the office were even nice today...all because the sun was out, there was a slight breeze, and it was just an overall stunning weather day.

Here's hoping for more days like this. Oh, it just makes me so happy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Comings and Goings

The stars are doing some weird things to this Aries chick. I'm still continuing to get the really good stories and really bad stories this week. But added to that is comings and goings of friends.

I recently was contacted by 2 of my friends that they were now leaving BC. One was to leave for Toronto (damn that city for taking so many good people!) and the other one is heading back to Singapore. Though part of me is sad that they are leaving, the rest of me is so very happy for them. Sometimes, friends leaving is not a bad thing because they are getting what they want out of life. For my Toronto bound friend, she has been stuck in such a rut with work, and this new job out there is what she totally needs! She will be with some family which will make the transition easier...but she gets to live out an adventure right's exactly what she needs out of life right now.

And my lovely Singaporean friend will be leaving after settling here for 2 years. He goes back to an amazing policy maker position so up his alley. And he's made the decision he will stay there for the new future to set up some real roots there. I'm really happy to hear that as he really felt that part of his life was missing. He will be leaving shortly, but already, I can hear the excitement of him building his life the way he wants. Excellent.

But to all my leaving friends, some have returned into my life. One I had lunch with today. We got caught up on so many aspects of our life and she even told me she was pregnant. Good, good news.

The other one, I had the longest chat with today and it was just so refreshing and wonderful! Just pure giggles. I just about peed my pants because I was laughing so hard.

Sometimes that's just the cycle of friends, they come in and out of your life...and there's no judgement on my part about this. Nor is there any judgement on theirs. We're all busy and we have our own lives. And the fact that we can have some good moments together, even though they are far and few these days is a beautiful thing.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mish Mash

The last 2 days have just been a rollercoaster of news for me. Some great news is about new babies that I will get to know, friend's children that are just amazing, from friends getting new jobs, some of them are getting ready to retire, and my wonderful friend coming out of her coma. This is all really great stuff...especially about my friend coming out of her coma. I think it's a fricken miracle because after I saw her, I really thought this was the end for her. She even spoke to her partner today! That's REAL improvement for her. And I'm hoping to make a trek out to see her on Mother's Day to see for myself!

On the other spectrum of things, there has been news of people breaking up, illness in people's famiiles, and the worse that I heard was that someone's son just died. I don't even know how someone would even deal with the last bit of news. It's just tragic and beyond heartbreaking.

But what I always find more "interesting" is how people deal with the bad rather than the good. The people that told me the "not" so good news are so resilient and amazingly positive. I'm not saying that they're not hurting and not showing any emotion and just smiling through it. But they're coping skills are getting them through things. They are unbelievably strong people with amazing attitudes. I don't want to ever face the really bad stuff in life...but if I ever do, I hope that I can be as strong and amazing as some of these folks that I know.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Every couple of weeks, my dad comes down to a little restaurant by my office and I meet him there at a certain time. It gives us both a chance to just connect face to face, eat some good food and catch up on each other's lives. It's a good thing.

It's also an opportunity for my dad to bring some letters or ask any questions he may have on items he sees in English. Sometimes, he just doesn't understand what is being asked or he has genuine questions about things. Lately, his questions have been about cheese. I know...crazy for a Chinese guy to ask about this stuff. But it's questions like how much cholesterol is in it? Is it bad for you. I try my best to offer information, remind him 10 times in that conversation that I'm not a doctor or a health professional and I will look up the info if he wants.

Interestingly enough, he brought in some paper and it was an ad for hgh this week. I explained what I knew which is pretty much nil. When I finally read him the fine print and how much it would cost, he said he didn't want it. Ahhh. Speak about how much the guy has to fork out, then the item is dropped like a hot potato. Love it.

Either way, it was a dandy lunch today. No arguments. I got some edibles from China as my dad just returned from there. And we just had a good time touching base. Good times.


I subscribe to a magazine or two. I think it's total brain candy and I love every brainless minute I spend reading those things.

I know that advertising sells...and unfortunately, in my magazines, they push make up ads, diet pills that work, fashion that is way too get the idea. I'm one of the lucky ones that is old enough and smart enough to realize that you don't really need the stuff. And really, am I going to pay $75 for a lipstick when I can get the same amazing shade for way under that price?!

Ads are great in that they provide income for companies. But what's not so great is that some consumers still can't read the fine line and make terrible choices for themselves. So, like they say, don't believe everything you read. Get informed.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Beautiful Day

Ahhhh. Mondays are always difficult. I guess I feel a bit like Garfield. And considering I didn't have a good night of sleep thanks to strange noises made by the wind, I was tired and was not in the mood for work. In fact, I really dressed like a schlep only to make myself feel comfortable...that makes me much more willing to go to work.

As the day progressed, I saw that the weather was getting better. To really lift up my spirits, I thought I'd go for a walk. Though a bit chilly because of the wind, I was really glad I went.

Because the wind was so strong, it made the leaves of the trees "rustle." I love that sound. But the best part is that it masked the sound of traffic. So all I heard was this swish, swish sound. The area has some beautiful heritage houses that I really enjoy. And they were all bright and pretty on the block. The flowers were also out so I actually stopped and admired some gardens and flowers that were around.

But the best part was passing by people who were also enjoying the day like I was...and when we passed by each other, we actually smiled at each other and said hello or some type of greeting. Sometimes in the big city, people think if you say hi to them while you pass them, you're just trying to mug them.

I really was grateful for these small moments of happiness today.


Talking about product testing, I've been chosen to do one for anti wrinkle eye cream. I say it's timely that I got this test product because I'm really thinking about what types of creams I should be using on my face and around my eyes. Lately, the one product I've been using has been feeling a little on the oily side. And that's just because I know my skin is changing.

But I'm hoping that this new cream will feel good around my eyes, not be oily and actually make a difference to my lovely crow's feet. My husband says it gives me character. I'm not sure if that really makes me feel better.


Recently, I joined 2 different programs to do product testing. I love it! Everytime I get chosen, I get promotional products to test out and then I have to just say what my opinion is. Pretty easy I say.

But the best part, it really is a win-win situation. The product gets out to consumers. But it gives me a chance to try the product without any risk. I may not like something, but I'll know that by the end and won't have wasted a ton of money on it. Or I may end up loving it and become a life time user. The other thing is, my opinions make a difference...I can change the way the product may work or is marketed. That may create a better product overall.

So, if new products are trying to break into the market, make sure you have product testers. They'll let you know if your product is worth marketing.