Saturday, May 29, 2010


Sometimes, there are friends that you know are great and amazing people...but you don't really realize how amazing they are until something happens!

Recently, I was in a situation which the details don't matter too much. But my friend didn't say anything the whole time I was in the situation. It wasn't anything dangerous or detrimental to my health so it was an extra reason to not say anything.

Either way, she kept her mouth shut until recently because my situation ended and it was because I made a decision about things. That's when my friend came up to me and talked to me about what had happened. At first I was confused at why she didn't say anything. But she made it clear that it wasn't her place to judge, or to make comments. And I'm so glad she didn't.

Because she didn't say anything, I had to go through this situation and at the end of it all, I really learned a lot. It really was a life lesson that I won't forget.

So as much as we expect great friends to guide us and support us by being there all the time, sometimes it's those friends who stay back when they know it's best that know how to support us best.

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