Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Every couple of weeks, my dad comes down to a little restaurant by my office and I meet him there at a certain time. It gives us both a chance to just connect face to face, eat some good food and catch up on each other's lives. It's a good thing.

It's also an opportunity for my dad to bring some letters or ask any questions he may have on items he sees in English. Sometimes, he just doesn't understand what is being asked or he has genuine questions about things. Lately, his questions have been about cheese. I know...crazy for a Chinese guy to ask about this stuff. But it's questions like how much cholesterol is in it? Is it bad for you. I try my best to offer information, remind him 10 times in that conversation that I'm not a doctor or a health professional and I will look up the info if he wants.

Interestingly enough, he brought in some paper and it was an ad for hgh this week. I explained what I knew which is pretty much nil. When I finally read him the fine print and how much it would cost, he said he didn't want it. Ahhh. Speak about how much the guy has to fork out, then the item is dropped like a hot potato. Love it.

Either way, it was a dandy lunch today. No arguments. I got some edibles from China as my dad just returned from there. And we just had a good time touching base. Good times.

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