Friday, May 21, 2010


Ok, so one of my latest product testing items was Nabob Coffee. I like coffee and I feel like I need an IV of that stuff on most days. So I was quite excited to try the stuff.

When I received my package, I was quite suprised, because I received 2 full canisters. I thought they would be the small pack...enough for a cup or something. But no, full on canisters. Well, my excitement definitely peaked. Big samples are awesome!

I got a breakfast blend and original. And both smelled great when I opened them. After trying them, not bad at all considering it's a "store" brand. I'm not a huge fan of "store" brand coffees. They don't seem to have the ooomph of a name brand coffee such as a certain Seattle chain if you get my drift!

But I was pleasantly suprised. However, if I were to buy it again, I think I'd stick with the original. The breakfast blend was lighter. And honestly, sometimes you need that big whack of caffeine in the morning. Nothing else will do.

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