Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mish Mash

The last 2 days have just been a rollercoaster of news for me. Some great news is about new babies that I will get to know, friend's children that are just amazing, from friends getting new jobs, some of them are getting ready to retire, and my wonderful friend coming out of her coma. This is all really great stuff...especially about my friend coming out of her coma. I think it's a fricken miracle because after I saw her, I really thought this was the end for her. She even spoke to her partner today! That's REAL improvement for her. And I'm hoping to make a trek out to see her on Mother's Day to see for myself!

On the other spectrum of things, there has been news of people breaking up, illness in people's famiiles, and the worse that I heard was that someone's son just died. I don't even know how someone would even deal with the last bit of news. It's just tragic and beyond heartbreaking.

But what I always find more "interesting" is how people deal with the bad rather than the good. The people that told me the "not" so good news are so resilient and amazingly positive. I'm not saying that they're not hurting and not showing any emotion and just smiling through it. But they're coping skills are getting them through things. They are unbelievably strong people with amazing attitudes. I don't want to ever face the really bad stuff in life...but if I ever do, I hope that I can be as strong and amazing as some of these folks that I know.

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