Monday, May 3, 2010

Beautiful Day

Ahhhh. Mondays are always difficult. I guess I feel a bit like Garfield. And considering I didn't have a good night of sleep thanks to strange noises made by the wind, I was tired and was not in the mood for work. In fact, I really dressed like a schlep only to make myself feel comfortable...that makes me much more willing to go to work.

As the day progressed, I saw that the weather was getting better. To really lift up my spirits, I thought I'd go for a walk. Though a bit chilly because of the wind, I was really glad I went.

Because the wind was so strong, it made the leaves of the trees "rustle." I love that sound. But the best part is that it masked the sound of traffic. So all I heard was this swish, swish sound. The area has some beautiful heritage houses that I really enjoy. And they were all bright and pretty on the block. The flowers were also out so I actually stopped and admired some gardens and flowers that were around.

But the best part was passing by people who were also enjoying the day like I was...and when we passed by each other, we actually smiled at each other and said hello or some type of greeting. Sometimes in the big city, people think if you say hi to them while you pass them, you're just trying to mug them.

I really was grateful for these small moments of happiness today.

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