Saturday, October 27, 2012

Live Here. Buy This.

I am obsessed with the Live Here Buy This show.  It's a better version of International House Hunters.  Basically, the premise is, they assess your house at a certain value then based on your criteria, they find 6 different houses in 3 different locations of your choice assessed at the same value.  Basically, the person then chooses what house they want at the end.  The good part is that they don't have to actually choose and go.  But basically, it's living out a bit of a fantasy.  

Of course my hubby and I have fantasized about moving out of this city and to another location.  Why not?  This city is expensive.  To think that I could live like fricken royalty  and not have to work...really, who wouldn't fantasize about this type of lifestyle? 

Based on the show and house assessments close to the current value of my home, they've shown a couple of locations that I would be willing to give a try.  Apparently, 3/4 of the cost of my house could buy a huge villa in Spain with 16 acres of olive trees.  Got potential.  Heck, I could press my own olive oil.  

Or, I could buy a huge mansion in Bali, with a huge pool, with a walkway to a private beach, and they even have a bathtub large enough to fit the whole family in.  Not that I needed on that big.  But in the event the pool and beach "bored" me, I could always lounge in the bathtub. 

I never really considered Palm Dessert, but seriously, I could buy a beautiful 5,000 square foot house.  Again, a pool on the side...just because.  

I could go on and on about all the places this show has showcased in terms of houses and what would fit in my budget.     At this stage of my life, it's just not going to happen.  

Until then, I'll just dream about where I could move to.....

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I am so lucky to have really awesome neighbours.  They're quiet people that keep to themselves.  They're always working on their house and gardens.  Some have grandkids, and some have kids that are just about grown up.  Doesn't matter...they never make trouble for me.

However, I don't think they same of me.  OMG.  They're constantly helping me out.  For example, both neighbours on either side of me was doing landscaping, adding soil to their plants, reseeding, all types of gardening work.  Then there was me, did none of it as I was out and about for kid's lessons, etc.  

I come back and sure enough, my plants on both sides of my house have new soil.  The one side that has grass but was ruined, no thanks to me, has been reseeded and has new soil.  

Don't get me wrong, I help out the neighbours, such as helping them shovel their sidewalk during the storms.  But honestly, my neighbours help me out much more.   They help me shovel my driveway all the time.   I swear, I have to race them to get out there to shovel or they'll do it for me!! 

I feel so fortunate having such great neighbours.  I keep getting them stuff so they at least know I appreciate them. 

But I'm sure they'd like me better if I just took better care of my house and yard!!  I should be ashamed.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wedding Saturday

We have had an amazing September and October in terms of weather!  Lots of sun and it's been fantastic!  So imagine my horror when I heard that big rainstorms were going to happen over the weekend during a wedding. 

I know in many cultures it's considered luck to have it rain.  I think people came up with that just to make everybody feel better.   But it poured, poured, poured.   Though, when they came out of the church, there was a break so they could take pictures!  Wonderful!

It wasn't a big wedding by any means.  But it was beautiful looking.  I got to sit with some people I actually knew and we had many good laughs that night.   

Considering I didn't know this couple well, I wasn't sure that I would even shed a tear for these folks.  But I have to admit, when the vows were read and repeated, I did tear up.   "For better or worse and sickness and in health."  And I liked how the minister ended it..."may you have more betters than worses" as it didn't sugar coat the fact that marriage can be one of the most difficult things you go through, but it can also be wonderful.  

So congrats to the new couple...and may you have many betters than worses.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

One Hit Wonders

Some musical artists have a long career and they are forever changing up their music.  Love her or hate her, Madonna is a good example.  She's been around for a very long time.  

Then there are the one hit wonders.  Basically one hit that hits the world big time and then we either don't hear from them anymore or they just have a string of crappy hits.   So many examples, so little time to list them out. 

Right now, the big hit is Gangnam Style.  I'm impressed by Psy as he's broken into an English market with his K-pop.  They have left the song in his Korean language...that's huge!  Of course, everybody is horse hopping everywhere and singing "hey, sexy lady..." and whooping in all the right places. 

In Korean culture, he's not a one hit wonder as he's been around for a while.  For the English market maybe.  But even if he is, I'm totally impressed at how he has amazing crowds watching him and totally cheering him on.  

Don't believe me?  Check out this video of 80,000 strong singing Gangnam Style with Psy at a free concert.  Yeah...wait until you get to the 50 to 59 second mark.  That crowd is big.  

I'm sure with all that horse hopping that night, Koreans thought they were having an earthquake.  


As my oldest daughter is learning ukulele, she mentioned something about joining band in a later grade.  She was thinking about what instrument to play.  We talked about different options that would be available, but ultimately, it's up to her.

For band, I actually chose to play a trumpet as there weren't enough trumpets in the band.  As a parent now, I can look back and feel extra sorry for my parents.  That instrument was loud and I had no issues about playing it loudly.  Many times, I'd try to find ways to play as loudly as I could.  And I can't say I was great.  So they had to deal with loud mediocre music.  Lucky them.

So for my sake, I hope they choose a cool if not quieter instrument.  

Bike Rack

I was looking through the local flyers and was thinking about buying a bike rack...maybe a thule bike rack as the price seems right.  

But, I think I'm going to change that decision.  I took the girls out for a bike ride today.   Suddenly my oldest is freaking out while riding.  I'm a little further away watching so I have no clue what is happening. 

When she finally got to me, she showed me her hand brake.  The whole hand brake on the handle bar broke off completely.  Well, that bike isn't going to be any use now.  Why buy a bike rack?   Save myself a couple of bucks. 


I love my car and the trunk space that it has.  But a lot of time, 1/3 of it is already filled up!  I have my emergency car kit, snacks and water just in case my kids and I are stuck in traffic for a long period of time and even a blanket.  

Seems extreme.  But you just never know what can happen.  I remember this one day going home, it took me 3.5 hours because of some terrible accident.

But I have to downsize or something.  It actually is quite ridiculous how full my trunk is when I don't even have groceries in there.