Sunday, October 21, 2012


I am so lucky to have really awesome neighbours.  They're quiet people that keep to themselves.  They're always working on their house and gardens.  Some have grandkids, and some have kids that are just about grown up.  Doesn't matter...they never make trouble for me.

However, I don't think they same of me.  OMG.  They're constantly helping me out.  For example, both neighbours on either side of me was doing landscaping, adding soil to their plants, reseeding, all types of gardening work.  Then there was me, did none of it as I was out and about for kid's lessons, etc.  

I come back and sure enough, my plants on both sides of my house have new soil.  The one side that has grass but was ruined, no thanks to me, has been reseeded and has new soil.  

Don't get me wrong, I help out the neighbours, such as helping them shovel their sidewalk during the storms.  But honestly, my neighbours help me out much more.   They help me shovel my driveway all the time.   I swear, I have to race them to get out there to shovel or they'll do it for me!! 

I feel so fortunate having such great neighbours.  I keep getting them stuff so they at least know I appreciate them. 

But I'm sure they'd like me better if I just took better care of my house and yard!!  I should be ashamed.

1 comment:

The Great Khali said...

you're getting real infrequent with these blogs. what gives?? this is my highlight of the day, and now they're so few an far between.