Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Tomorrow, I'm heading back to work. I've been off for the last 3 days as I've had bronchitis. The drugs are good but they also have whacked the life out of me. The antibiotics are doing its thing. And codeine...well, let's just say sleeping with that stuff is pretty awesome.

But I'm going to head back to work tomorrow as I'm sure there is a lot to catch up on...especially with 3 days of unexpected leave. Part of me is happy about it because that means I'm feeling better and getting back to real life. The other half of me is dreading it as I feel that my time in this particular work place is coming to an end. For many reasons, I think it's time to leave. I love the work but wish I could take it to another department. But my one kid is preventing me from going as her daycare is just down the block. Thinking of switching her to a new daycare and thinking of even possibly getting into a new daycare is too much.

So I will stick it through for another year and a bit. I'm sure it will go by fast. But it goes to show you that no matter how good a workplace is, there are issues with the system and the people in the system. But I've been with this one department for over 6 years now. That's a long time for my generation. Something about switching careers 5 to 7 times in a lifetime? Guess it's time for the next career.

Afternoon Shows

So, yesterday, while at home, sick with bronchitis (joy!), I decided to watch Dr. Oz. There wasn't anything else in the 3pm slot that I wanted to watch. Best of the worst I suppose.

On the episode, Dr. Oz was talking about diet pills and supplements in general...are you really getting what you pay for? What was really scary was that half of those items tested were either not digestable, only had 2.7% of the active ingredient of what a person was buying, contained a number of different items that were not even listed.

Now don't get me wrong. I have no problem with people buying items like this from repuatable sources. But buying these items online, not having these items FDA approved, etc., makes me very antsy about putting those items in my mouth.

Sometimes I think we're over regulated...but in matters like this, over regulation is not a bad thing.

Belly Ads

I don't know how many websites I've gone to, and each one of them has the same ad on "how to reduce belly fat." It's the same cartoon that is shown, etc. Honestly, I wonder how much this company is shovelling out in terms of advertisement. But if they are on THAT many websites, how many people are buying?

I think I'm a fairly savvy consumer and will do some research before anything. But the reality is, less calories in, more calories out will do the trick. And yes, the belly will shrink too. There have been a number of folks around me that have lost a ton of weight and it's due to sheer hard work.

So, I'd like to see ads promoting that. Right. In a dream world.

Monday, April 26, 2010


My husband and I recently celebrated our 10th anniversary. It shocks me how quickly time has gone by and we are starting our double digits of anniversaries. We've been through quite a few things together, some bad, but mostly good. But that's just life. And as a married couple, you just deal with things together.

As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we decided we were going to spend a weekend by ourselves. My in-laws were sweet enough to take my 2 girls overnight so that we could be alone. And we were also fortunate enough to take advantage of a deal at the Fairmont Airport. Doesn't sound sexy to go to an airport hotel...but it's the Fairmont. They were celebrating 10 years we got the anniversary price. We were also fortunate that we were upgraded when we got there to a $350 room!!! Nice start!

We also wanted to take the time to do some furniture shopping. Doesn't sound like a lot of fun. But we needed to get one as we suddenly had a hole in our sofa. And we didn't have the kids so we could actually shop. Of course, we got side tracked by outdoor décor, bed sets and everything else. But we actually ended up buying a sofa.

The rest of the time was just doing whatever we wanted. Movies, eating at places without even having to worry if there was a child's menu, walking around, and just being together. It was really lovely and gave us a chance to just remember why were together.

Let's see if 20 years comes by just as fast as 10!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby Shower

Boo. I got invited to two baby showers for this one friend, and I didn't get a chance to go to either one due to a variety of reasons. Which is a shame because I think she's just one of the neatest people I know.

I'm glad my friend had a little baby girl so I can gather up a ton of baby clothes for her and just give them to her. I've been fortunate to have two girls and both could wear the same thing. Though I do feel bad for the youngest sometimes...always gets the hand me downs. But her sister just grows out of them so fast!!!

I wish her the best at her 2nd shower today. May it be filled with love, joy, tons of stuff for the baby and lots of good food.

More Advertising

My husband asked me the other day if I had been on his computer. The first thing I thought was, "crap, what did I screw up on his computer?" And then I thought about it and I said yes, I was on there. I was scanning a number of documents and the scanner is attached to his computer. While I was waiting, I must have just gone on a couple of websites. Anyways, I was curious how he knew, not that I have anything to hide.

He mentioned that he was getting targetted ads for tampons! That's funny. I must have gone to some girly girl site. But then it made me think. I was getting some pretty targeted ads for things that made sense. But I got one for hgh releasers. And I couldn't think of what websites I was visiting that would have something like that.

Maybe I shouldn't do anymore surfing while on his computer. I'd hate to see what his friends would think if they saw other targeted ads meant for girls.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Financial Planner

A couple of weeks ago, our financial planner's wife called. She moonlights as his secretary at times. She wanted us to make an appointment with our advisor. We did and we met him just last night.

The main reason for visiting was to let us know where we were currently at with our life insurance. It had been a while since we had discussed this matter. And he wanted to make sure that in our current situation, it is what we needed. So he gave us the differentquotes for term life insurance for each of us. And we did the calculations we needed and locked in for a certain amount of time. Let's be honest, after a certain period of time, this won't be needed anymore.

It just isn't fun talking about this type of stuff. But honestly, after he left, total peace of mind. I don't like the idea of dying or my husband dying...but in the event something bad happens, I know my girls will be ok.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Home Insurance

I had to go renew my car insurance and everytime I go into this place, they ask if I want to also renew my home insurance with them. And everytime I say no, except I thought, well, why not get a quote and see if it makes any difference at all.

So, I went ahead and asked for the quote. The first quote they gave me was over $300 higher than what I've paid. So I said no. Then they asked me what company I was with. So I told them and they said they'd get back to me.

When they called me back, they said that I was getting all the right price deductions and they could offer the same cost to me if I switched over. Ok, they're going to get me to waste a bunch of time to go to them for my home insurance and it's not going to even be cheaper? Their logic was that they were closer. Well, everything I do is over the phone with my insurance company and I don't have to go anywhere.

So really, if you're going to try to "tempt" a person to go to your company for a particular service, make sure you have something worth offering.


One of my friends recently had a baby. Beautiful little girl. Her sister decided to throw a shower for her and I was invited. But I was invited by evite. Now, when I received my first evite, I just went crazy. Seemed nuts and so impersonal.

And now, I've changed my pretty little tune. Thinks like evite rock! I get a ton of invitations...birthday, showers, get togethers, stagettes and even communion invitations. Whatever the case, I just get lost in the paper invitations.

Don't get me wrong, I still love paper invitations...but for the environment and ease of having information on my system is really awesome too.

So, for those paper invitations that I get, I will treasure them. But I'm so ok wit those electronic ones too.


Recently, I bumped into someone that I had worked with about 10 years ago. At that time, she was working as a receptionist at the office, but had some REAL anger issues. Her skills were ok, but not up to par. Suddenly, out of nowhere, her sister decided that she didn't want her daughter anymore. And then my friend was "stuck" taking care of this neice of hers.

However, the worst part was that she was also let go from work because of her anger issues. I really felt terrible for her and I was quite worried how her life would turn out, especially with a little girl she now had to take care of.

Well fast forward 10 years...she basically put herself through some medical assistant training school, at the same time taking care of this child, as a single parent. Hey, that's no easy feat. And now she's working at some medical office and making some really good money. I have no idea how difficult this last couple of years has been for her. But wow, I was really proud of her, really happy for her, and just thankful for her and the little girl that everything turned out ok.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Console systems

Well, the day has come. My daughters have finally been introduced to the wii and they can play well. The good part is they haven't actually asked for one. Because I really don't want to get one.

Not that it isn't fun...but we have enough pc games, game consoles, etc. The thought of paying $60 for a game doesn't appeal to me either. And really, the kids should be doing other things than just playing games all the time.

But I must admit...that is one cool system with some really, REALLY cute games. Maybe I secretly want one.


I went to the hospital this morning to visit someone and basically they were assessing her when I arrived there. They asked me to wait in the hallway and I took a seat to wait.

While I was there, there was nothing to do but play some games on my phone and stare into the supply room. I have no clue why the supply room was just open. Me, being nosey, had to look. And no, I did not sneak into the room and poke around. The door was literally open and I could see everything. Gloves, gowns, pulse oximeter, gauze...fascinating.

Gosh, hospitals are pretty trusting. I could have just walked in there and walked out with a bunch of stuff without anybody knowing. Maybe they have some guard in there that I couldn't see. But I just found that interesting.

Anyways, I stopped staring so no one would think I was actually eyeing the stuff to steal. I went to go read all the signs up on the wall instead....

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ok, we've all heard about Tiger Woods. And this is probably the first time I've actually spoken out about this whole situation. First of all, he's just sorry he got caught. Secondly, Elin, leave the dirtbag and take him for all he's worth.

But what got me really going this morning was someone at the Masters speaking out about he was a hero and let everyone down. Um, pardon me?! When the heck was a golf player seen as a hero? Honestly? HERO?! Oh, I must be Mother Theresa then.

To some people out there, honestly, get a reality check or get yourself a really good dictionary.


I'm a little behind on my Biggest Loser show. I have to admit, it's very endearing and fun to watch. Really good for when I'm on the elliptical. And I really like the coaches. Something about the yelling. I respond to that.

So of course I had to go to the website. Interesting stuff. And of course, I had to go check out the trainer's websites. And I found it "interesting" that Jillian Michaels had "top fat burners" being sold on her website. I don't even know if they are FDA approved. Hmmmm. I don't know. I think that goes against everything she advocates. So part of me is somewhat disappointed in her. Wasn't her whole thing about working hard and eating less? You know, less in, more out means weight loss.

Oh well. I'll just continue to merrily watch the show.

Health Products

My dad is all over the joint supplements. As he says, as he gets older, things hurt. He's tried a number of them. From the no name brand, to name brands, to whatever doctors tell him to try. And for the most part, it does seem like it's making a difference.

He was so keen on showing me how good his joints were that he bent down, did some push get the idea. And the fun part was that he said he couldn't do those recently. So he really thanks his supplements. I didn't realize they came in so many forms such as msm lotions and pills. Well, what do I know?

The good part is, whatever my dad is taking, it seems to be really working well for him. Good enough for me.


One of my girlfriends mentioned she was on a colon cleanse and it was in pill form which wasn't too bad. As mentioned before, drinking that rose water or whatever the heck it was put me over the edge. It was nasty.

However, I'm thinking I might have to do something like that. Or I'm already doing it with all the food poisoning bouts I've been getting lately. Lordy, lordy. In 3 weeks time, I've been sick at least 3 times. And let's just say, one of those times, I didn't even make it home and had to stop off at a gas station. Yeah, who "goes" at a gas station? Well, when you're desperate, you go to a gas station.

For an asian person, this is a true downfall. I should have a stomach of steel considering all I've tried and what my parents have pumped into me in the past.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Facebook just has so many ads. And so many of them I ignore. I saw one for and I thought, huh, I don't need that this weekend. Unfortunately for me, the Easter weekend was not so great as I got sick. And I'm not even sure from what. But even my husband thought I looked "grey" and I slept...a lot. In one day, I took 3 naps and then I went to bed early sleeping about 12 hours. I know I wasn't hungry except I had quite a few stomach aches and extreme lethargy. Yet no fever. So really, I've barely eaten anything. These symptoms are unheard of for me.

Hopefully it will pass as I do need to go into work tomorrow. Oooooo. Fun times.


I must say, I'm good at spending money. I think I'm a rich person living in a middle class body. I love shopping, buying the newest gadgets and just playing. But it's just not feasible with kids, a mortgage, and all that goes along with that type of life. I feel fortunate to have the life that I have, but I wouldn't mind being able to spend MORE money. It's just fun! But fortunately, I've got some common sense and can delay some gratification.

However, I have a friend that can not delay this type of gratification. In fact, even 10 years ago, this person had accumulated over $50,000 on debt and lived at home. Tell me, how in the world someone living at home can be in THAT much debt? Honestly, I went to see this person's room and he had stuff but nothing that I could see that would add up to $50,000. It just makes me sad that before this person's life really starts, this person is already up to his eyeballs in debt. I've metnioned credit repair services or even debt consolidation to assist. But it's the person's choice and they can do whatever they want with that info. However, the quicker they get out of debt, the better.

Until then, it's window shopping for me.


My husband and I have a financial planner and I have a separate one from him too. Different financial needs, a different person is needed.

Anyways, I found it odd that he wanted an appointment. Everything seemed up to date and we didn't seem to have any new insurance needs/financial planning needed. EGADS. Basically we were told our term life insurance was up. That was a 10 year term and it's up. Oh, how time flies by WAY too fast. I thought for sure we had a good couple of years on that policy still. Oh well, guess not.

So it will be interesting to see how much this will cost us. Hopefully about the same, but highly doubtful because we're now 10 years older. Gosh. Not liking this getting older bit.....


It's amazing as the house gets older, how much stuff needs to get fixed. I've been fortunate that there hasn't been too much. But I can already see that eventually, bigger things will happen. Just the way things go.

Right now it's the faucets. Well, one really. The vegetable sprayer, when you use it will spray, however, it the power is minimal. The faucet keeps going to. Boo. One of the things I really wanted in the house was a vegetable sprayer too. I know, I know. It's the small things for me.