Monday, April 26, 2010


My husband and I recently celebrated our 10th anniversary. It shocks me how quickly time has gone by and we are starting our double digits of anniversaries. We've been through quite a few things together, some bad, but mostly good. But that's just life. And as a married couple, you just deal with things together.

As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration, we decided we were going to spend a weekend by ourselves. My in-laws were sweet enough to take my 2 girls overnight so that we could be alone. And we were also fortunate enough to take advantage of a deal at the Fairmont Airport. Doesn't sound sexy to go to an airport hotel...but it's the Fairmont. They were celebrating 10 years we got the anniversary price. We were also fortunate that we were upgraded when we got there to a $350 room!!! Nice start!

We also wanted to take the time to do some furniture shopping. Doesn't sound like a lot of fun. But we needed to get one as we suddenly had a hole in our sofa. And we didn't have the kids so we could actually shop. Of course, we got side tracked by outdoor décor, bed sets and everything else. But we actually ended up buying a sofa.

The rest of the time was just doing whatever we wanted. Movies, eating at places without even having to worry if there was a child's menu, walking around, and just being together. It was really lovely and gave us a chance to just remember why were together.

Let's see if 20 years comes by just as fast as 10!

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