Sunday, December 30, 2012

TV Viewing

The one "advantage" of being sick over the holidays is that you can watch tv...all day long.   And I really do mean, all day long.  You feel like crap, but you can't sleep.  You can't really clean because you don't have the energy but you want to be somewhat entertained.  Reading is good, but it does take some effort.  

So I caught up on a lot of tv this holiday.  Seems like a bit of waste of a holiday, but resting is never a bad thing.  Work and life is crazy at the best of times.   Almost seems like you have to be sick just to rest! 

But I digress.  Caught up on a gazillion CSI shows.  My goodness.  When you can start naming off diseases and possible causes of death just because you're used to the format of the show, you know you've watched a lot.  I know...nothing says Christmas holidays like CSI and murders.  

Million Dollar Houses.   Wow.  That is just crack for me.  Crazy houses/rooms worth millions of dollars each.  It's a good thing they don't film in Vancouver as they'd get a complete dump for a million dollars.  But these houses and room are just unbelievable.  I don't know how many times I had to pick up my jaw.  My hubby was the same way.  The kids were screaming as they were so excited about some of the houses.   But it's true, why are these people spending that kind of money on houses?!   The perspective just isn't there.    

Coronation Street.  I can't believe I got hooked on this UK soap opera.  I can write the story lines.  But I think it's the accents.  Seriously.  Everything sounds better in accents.  

Live Here.  Buy This.  Yep.  Total crack like Million Dollar Houses.  All the places I'd want to live at way cheaper prices than my house.  I don't know why I watch this show as it actually makes me sick to my stomach.  To think that a Vancouver home could afford me a total life of luxury some place else. I'm not slumming it...but luxury would be nice!  

And last but not least, An Idiot Abroad.  OMG.  This is comedy gold.  As Ricky Gervais's the most expensive practical joke for my amusement.  As a person who likes to travel, I like travel shows.  But this guy is sent to travel and go an assignments and he's really not into it.  He's constantly got his inner monologue on and it's just hilarious!  I haven't finished the series, but I'm hoping he comes out a changed man as his adventures are pretty wild.  I would love to try something like that.  Though, I hope I would never be called an Idiot Abroad.  

So, here's to catching up on some shows before I head back to work.  My PVR is much clearer now.  

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