Monday, November 3, 2008


The day has come. November 4th. The election will take place and for 2 years, we will have some peace before the next election race begins. It's much too long. I'm nauseated by all the smear campaigns. I'm tired of the SNL skits. I liked our election..nice short and sweet.

But tomorrow, I will watch the election (especially since my little event with the former Prime Minster Paul Martin got cancelled). For once, I'm interested who will win.

And in one town in the US, nineteen people can't wait to vote. This small town only has 19 people. In the Town Hall, they have 19 individual stations where those 19 people will vote all at once at 12:00am November 4th. As it's somewhere in the east coast, I'm staying up to watch. They're counting their results after all of them have voted. The power of 19. And to me, that is a powerful statement. They believe that their votes and country is important enough to go to the polling station.

I hope for the US's sake, as many people vote as possible. This is an absolute privelage and to have people blow it for no reason is just painful. Good on those 19 folks.

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