Friday, November 14, 2008

Not a Stranger

The other night, I had the opportunity to go to a focus group. I like doing them because I get to express my opinion (good or bad) about a product/idea and I get paid for it. Works for me!

So, this last one I went to had to do with new commercials for Tim Horton's. I gave my gut reaction, told them what I thought the message was, gave some ideas and that was the end of it. Four ideas and done in less than an hour.

When the researcher went to the back to ensure that she had everything recorded, the rest of the focus group started to talk. Part of the conversation revolved around different coffee shops we visit. Me and this one girl kept saying the same places. I eventually asked her where she worked. I gave her the cross streets (I don't want to tell strangers where I work...who knows if they're sane!!). She said she worked right around there. Then she proceeded to tell me where she worked.

Well, long story short. We work at the same bloody building. She works on the 3rd floor but I work on the 2nd. There's really no need for me to go upstairs and that's probably why I don't see her. And I figured she was new as I pretty much know most folks in our office. The kicker...she's been there for 2 years.

Hard to believe that two people could be working in the same building for so long and not bump into each other....

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