Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My eldest daughter is actually quite good at reading considering she's not even 5 yet. Actually, I think she's really good. Maybe I'm bragging and biased, but she's well beyond A, B, Cs. She can read many 4 syllable words which is more than I can do on a given day.

So, on Sunday, we decided that as a family, we were going to go to the One of a Kind show. But we'd take the skytrain. Both kids propped themselves up so they could see out the window. My eldest started to read every sign that she could see.

"Burger King, Rogers, Home Depot, Skytrain, Safeway, Fantasy World." Well, we were in good old New Westminster where I guess there were a ton of porn shops. And she happened to read one of the porn store names. I was killing myself laughing.

I'm sure she thought it was a store full of unicorns and fairies.

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