Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We all have a family...what that family looks like will differ from family to family. Either way, the bonds are strong. Yes, we all come from families that can be deemed as odd, but nevertheless, families provide love and support to each other. Yes, yes, there are some whacked out families out there that have destroyed their kids. But that's the point of my post today.

But seeing others and how they feel about family can be suprising. My youngest was watching Hawaii Five-O with me last night. I cover her eyes during the not so nice parts, but for whatever reason, she loves that show. So that's a bit of special time for us.

But when we got to the end of the show, she started to cry. Not a fake cry, but a full on cry. So I asked her what was going on. She saw two brothers having to say goodbye to each other. And she understood in this scenario that they would never be able to see each other again.

"Momma, they're family. They have to say goodbye to each other. Why can't they be together?"

"The one brother did something bad. Does this situation make you sad?"

"Yes, because it's family. They should never have to leave each other. They love one another."

Well, I wasn't quite expecting that reaction, especially from a show like Hawaii Five-O. But it was really heart warming to me that she understands the value of family and how sad it is when they are apart, especially since she's young.

Now, as sad as she thought the show was, really, the guy that had to leave was a douchebag. He ripped people of their life savings. But, lessons on why ripping people off is bad and being indicted will come another day.

1 comment:

Jorge said...

hear, hear, the "bad" guy deserved it!!
bad boy bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?