Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have temperomandibular disease. Doesn't that sound terrible?! Basically, I grind my back ones are pretty flat. But all that grinding actually has many other symptoms. This includes sore shoulders, bad sleep, snoring, could affect my period and so many other things I didn't even think about!

So I finally decided that I would correct it with a special mouth guard. When I got it and tried it on, I didn't think much about it. I wasn't sure how this would actually help me. But in the end, this little hunk of plastic with a piece of wire in it will realign my whole jaw where it should be and also minimize many of the symptoms I'm experiencing.

Well, I've had 2 nights with this thing and I can definitely feel my jaw realigning. And if anything, last night, I had one of the deepest sleeps I have had in a while. YEAH!

Suddenly, I'm much more excited about this little piece of plastic in my mouth!

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