Sunday, February 13, 2011

Games Day

This Saturday was a Games Day. But it wasn't the usual games was solely pc games. I play pc games, but not hardcore games like the boys. I can't keep up with them. But one of the guys brought their wife and she's cool. I really enjoy her company. And she's just one of those really laid back folks. I can chat about antying with her, or I can just sit there and watch crap tv with her...whatever we do, it's cool. There's no drama with her.

One of the things we chatted about this week was about friends and BS. Basically, when friends and BS mingle, it's disaster and I nor my friend have any patience for it. Of course, she's way more than a saint than I am and way more patient than I could ever be.

But she was currently going through some similar issues with a best friend that I went through a couple of years ago. It was refreshing to hear that she's basically come to the same conclusions and she is making some choices to move on. It's not that I was encouraging her...she came to the conclusion herself.

It's sad when best friends end. But how much BS is one supposed to take...especially from a best friend? It should be minimal, if at all.

And I as grow older, I get choosier about my friends and who I have in my life. My time is limited. I want to spend time with those that I enjoy and surround myself with those that support me.

And if I'm the one on the end that gets dumped, I get it. I am not the friend that the other person needs. I'm ok with that. But seriously...BS with friends is totally uncool and not needed.


Anonymous said...

To be a 'best' friend, you have to accept the good, the bad and the BS from each other from time to time in order to be supportive of each other. Noone is perfect and that's what makes everyone unique. It's good that you want to surround yourself with positive people that are supportive of you and can have a good time with, without the drama. Maybe you have too much drama to handle in your own life to bother with someone else's? To have good friends in your life, you have to be a good friend too - accept them as they are - warts and all.

Peachy said...

Not sure who left this message and it would be nice to know who you are so I can address you personally...but you're right...warts and all. No one is perfect and I am one with many faults. Those that I do surround myself with also have their faults and I accept them for who they are...and I've never asked them to change.

However, I think I should really clarify that I was trying to make a distinction between drama and BS behaviour in a relationship in this post. Drama in someone's life I can deal with as it's the highs and lows of their life and I am there to support them. I am there for the crying, the tough times and I am there for the laughs. I have friends that have gone well beyond the 10 year mark. But BS behaviours (which comes in many forms) in a frienship is extremely toxic and it's not something that is healthy in any friendship. Talking about it with the friend is one thing, but if the other person isn't listening or can not see your point, then there's no point in continuing the friendship.

I welcome your opinion.