Monday, February 7, 2011


There are just some chores that I'd rather do by myself because I know how I want it done and can do it quickly. Case and point, grocery shopping.

Since I'm the one that cooks the meals and packs the kids lunches, I make a list and then go buy the items. I know where most of the food items are. And as crazy as it sounds, an hour away from the family. No, it's not exciting nor is it glamourous...and yes, it's still a chore. The kids are actually really good with the shopping, but sometimes I just want to go by myself and listen to 80s pop while I shop.

But some other familes shop differently. They like to go as a whole family. Or the husband shops with the wife. Good on them if they enjoy that. But 80% of the time, I see couples bickering about the items or how much they're going to buy, or if it's a really good deal, etc. Yeah, no thanks.

I remember one time, I was shopping with my husband and I told him to go and get me some tomato sauce to make spaghetti sauce because we were already lined up to go and pay. What I meant to say was, could you get me a jar of spaghetti sauce. So, he ended up getting the tomato sauce as I had asked him to. I didn't say a word and just paid for the wrong item. But if I had just gone by myself, I would have grabbed the right one.

I'm not saying I don't like shopping with the guy. But if I get a little quiet, can get the items I need, and listen to some good cheesy music, then really, it's a triple win don't you think?

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