Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Blog

Let's be honest...my readership is low and that's fine. I'm not out here writing a blog because I feel the need for thousands to follow me. My blog really isn't the most interesting thing out there and really, my life isn't amazing or glamourous. But I write because it allows for some of my friends who don't see me very often to know what the heck I'm up to. And really, I know how many people know about this blog and read it on a regular basis. The numbers are small.

So let me make a couple of things clear. This is my blog and I get to write what I want. It's a public domain so anybody can read it. But if my blog offends you or if you think I'm chatting about you and you don't like it, then don't read it. It's probably pure punishment to you anyways...so save yourself the pain. I may discuss people on my blog, but I'm not here to trash someone or a number of people. Believe me, if I'm going to trash someone on here, I'll do it, I'll make it clear on who it is and I'll do a good job of it. But I'm not going to because what is the point? If you truly think I'm chatting about you, then you're probably wrong.

If you're going to comment, be gutsy enough to at least initial your comment. I know that I do on other people's blogs. And really, if I needed to, I could track down who you are...but like I said, my readership is low...anonymous or not, it's clear to me who writes what in terms of comments.

My anonymous commentator said I probably have too much drama in my own life to bother with someone else's. I really found that interesting. I asked around today because I thought I was missing something. Even my husband asked me because he was worried...what drama are you going through? I said I'm not sure...but apparently I have drama. So despite whatever drama folks think I'm going through, I'm there for my friends.

When I refer to my best friend from years ago, it's my friend from Grade 9 that I was friends with until recently. I was there for all her highs and lows. But again, it was her behaviours that made the relationship toxic. I'm not saying I was a saint in the relationship...but my tolerance for BS behaviours had been reached. I was sad to let go of that relationship, but I learned a lot from that friendship..but I really knew it was time to move on. Before I made that decision, I gave it a ton of thought. It probably took me a good year and a half to finally do it. I don't make these decisions lightly.

And moving on and letting go was the best thing I could have done with that relationship. For many, this is not easy but it's something they need to do. When people harbour all these feelings, or the movie in their head doesn't work out the way they were envisioning, or they just can't let go and replay everything in their head over and over again, it's truly harmful to their physical health, their spirit and their overall well being. It's not worth it but know that letting go is a personal choice. Once you let go, you'll see how happy you can be and the hurt will no longer be there. Seriously. No one else can do this for you.

So a somewhat random and all over the place entry tonight. But some of you will know exactly what I'm yapping about tonight. Thank you to all my friends that have been by my side throughout the years. To those that are no longer in my life, I really do wish you happiness and a life full of meaning. But unless you choose that for yourself, my wishes will mean nothing.

With that all out of my system, I'm heading to bed. Tomorrow is a new day with new adventures.

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