Sunday, June 27, 2010


I'm not sure I count as a big time merchant account reseller. But I have been helping out a number of friends sell their stuff and taking a cut from it. It's not glamourous work, but it's something. And they're just happy to get rid of their stuff.

Someone just offered me to do a job for a storage full of stuff. I'm thinking of doing it. But part of me is a little worried as it's quite a bit of work. And I'm not complaining about work, it's just that, I'm wondering if I have enough time. Sometimes I turn down things because I know I'm going to be expending so much energy that I'm just going to be a cranky cow for weeks on end. That's not fair to my family. I can expect to have bad days and bad times due to circumstances I can't control. But if I can control the situation, then I can say no to jobs.

Well, we'll see what happens...maybe with summer and less activities, I can take this on.

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