Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have no need or want to be a manager. It's just not me. I like being independent and doing my own projects, etc. But in any office, there are a ton of folks that are called Managers, Team Leaders, Supervisors, etc. Doesn't matter to me. I know who I report to and that's all that matters.

But what amazes me is how much crap managers get. Don't get me wrong, there are some managers that totally deserve it. However, some managers are dealing with some very strong staff. So it really becomes a dance of how managers and staff need to work together to make it workable. And staff need to realize that managers sometimes just have to tow the office line. Sometimes they make extremely difficult decisions but no one sees why those decisions came into fruition. Sometimes those decisions are really for the best because the alternatives are terrible. But staff always want someone to blame.

So it amazes me how many folks want be manager. It's got to be the title, the pay and the power that goes with it. But these folks should definitely not be manager because they don't get it. There are a small handful of people who don't want to be manager at my office who I would see as the ideal managers. Thoughtful, respected by other members of staff, can do the job already so they understand the realities of the job, etc. But it's a lost cause, they don't want to be managers.

For all those in the office complaining right now (which is a lot!)...sure, go ahead and complain. But either do something about it. Or throw in your hat to be management and see how difficult the job can be. It's always easier to give criticism. But I'd love to see those same folks take it and make difficult decisions.

So, work with management to make the situation workable for you. It'll make life for you and those around you so much more bearable.

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