Sunday, June 27, 2010


Someone asked me recently why I stay working for the government. Yep, it has its issues, but I dare you to find me a workplace that is always a happy place. It doesn't exist. It's just how you deal with things.

And even though my place of work does have its issues, it's about the bigger picture. It's about my social security benefits...specifically my pension. Yes, I save a monthly RRSP. But who knows what will happen with that. Secondly, I'm excellent at spending money. So in terms of my retirement, I'll be ok, but with the pension, I should be fine. Yes, I don't retire until 2031 and that's a long time from now. But looking at the future, that pension will come in handy.

So I will put up with whatever crazy stuff and crazy people at the workplace. It's all about my pension.

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