Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Anytime your spouse starts an e-mail/conversation with "don't freak out," you know it can't be good.

I was at work today when I get an e-mail from my husband writing me from home and he starts with that dreaded sentence. In a nutshell, my one daughter collided with a kid last week and when she fell, she fell onto the cement and her head took a bit of a beating. She was taken to the clinic just to make sure everything was ok. In the past week, she seemed fine, no behaviour changes, etc.

But this morning, according to my husband, my kid was bouncing on the bed and said "daddy, feel my squishy head!" Or something to that effect. In fact, when my husband touched her head where she hit the cement last week, indeed there was a squishiness.

Off to the hospital they go because no head should feel squishy. Better to be safe than sorry too. A CT scan was done and there were neurosurgeon consults. Throughout these hours, my husband is texting me and keeping me updated.

So he calls but has to leave a message. "Don't freak out but...." OMG. That's what I'm thinking. When I finally got a hold of my husband, I was told she had a skull fracture. The squishiness was the blood pooling, like a blister inside her head. Yuck and bloody freaky. So what can we do? Basically nothing. Just monitor and she will go for a check up next week. But that means no playing on the playground, no jumping, no biking. Basically nothing fun and quiet activities only.

Hee hee. That to a kid is like hell. Hopefully hell doesn't last too long for her.

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