Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Insensitive People

Yesterday, the office got word that one of our business lines will be around, but with less staff. Basically, 3 people in this business line will have to find some other work or make some other choices. But there is no room for them there based on some review that was done. Even in government, jobs are not safe anymore. Granted, these 3 folks will have some time to do their job search and make some choices for themselves. And they have the support of management to find something different. Regardless, this is a difficult time for these folks. No one likes to hear that there won't be a job for them.

But what kills me is the insensitivity of some folks in the office. Comments include:

"Well, it's not like they did much work."
"I guess they figured they didn't need all of you."
"It's not like it was a business line that was functioning well."
"I would have gotten rid of them sooner than this."
"If I was still in charge, I would have shipped their work to another government department a long time ago."

Some of these comments were said directly to those affected staff. Umm. Think whatever you want to think, but give these people some space to deal with this news. Who the heck wants to hear these types of comments? Yes, we've all been unemployed at some point, but I highly doubt that people said that kind of crap to you. It's just rude, insensitive and just mean.

I've worked in this business line. And though I have my complaints about it, I know that the business line churns out good work and churns out results that actually make a difference in the real world. For those that made nasty comments to the affected stuff, maybe you should all learn a bit about the work that these folks do. Just because you're on the phone a lot, or have a number of files sitting on your desk, your work can not be compared to the work that these folks do. Their work is different but it's not to say that they are not busy and that they are not important. Honestly, how would you feel if someone said those awful things to you just after you got the news you were going to be unemployed.

I can not believe the audacity of some folks. I can not believe people can be that insensitive. I can not believe how righteous some folks are feeling about these people getting fired. And I can't believe how bloody oblivious the commentators are to how they are making the "fired" staff feel.

UNACCEPTABLE behaviour in the workplace such as this just makes me sick in the stomach. It's unbelievable how toxic some people are and they can not take responsibility for their own actions. You folks suck.

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