Sunday, June 6, 2010


Every 6 months, I go and do a proctoring gig. Basically, watch a whole bunch of people do a test and make sure they don't cheat. It's a very long day as I get there before 7am and I don't get home until about 7. Most of that time, I am walking around and concentrating on watching everybody. But it's good money and I can't say no. This time, my money will be used for my Seattle trip with my 2 peeps!

Anyways, I always get amused by proctoring day. If anything, the fashion sense is awesome. This time, I get a really nice mix. I had those that were in their regualr preppy wear. There were those that were dressed to the nines...though I can't understand why as I'd be so uncomfortable writing an exam with 4 inch heels and all dressed up. Umm. Hate to tell you, this is the written portion, I'm not interviewing you.

Then there are those that are the opposite extreme where they are dressed for the dump/beach. Muscle shirts, tattered shorts and sandals. Some are of the yoga crew...every item is yoga related. Both of these camps are understandable as all of them are comfort related.

Then I got an eyeful with someone's shoes. This one guy had the most tattered t-shirt, with a scarf on, the boldest and biggest black glasses with the most horrid jeans...and with these shoes!!! OMG. I could not keep my eyes off of these shoes!

Look at shoes, try to concentrate on cheaters, look at shoes and continue.

Overall, an uneventful day. No cheaters. But that's good...that also means no paperwork.

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