Saturday, January 7, 2012


I need to clean out a number of drawers in the house. Actually, I need to do some better cleaning on certain parts of the house. Life just gets busy. Work and kids, well, it doesn't leave a lot of time for other things. However, having a clean house is a first world problem. And if that's the worst of things, well, it's nothing to complain about. Having said that, I have implemented a special 5 minute clean up each day. After all that needs to be done in a given day, I give 5 minutes to a very certain area and clean it. It really is the mad dash of cleaning. With only 5 minutes, I don't have much time to think which is good. Well, after doing a couple of days of 5 minute clean ups, I realize, I have many more 5 minute days ahead of me. But oooo...I have found more than 1 box cutter, an extra bag of stuff to recycle, clothes that can be given to charity....and the list goes on. So still lots ahead to do, but I feel like I'm making some headway.

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