Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Different Lives

I recently got back in touch with an old high school bud. I haven't seen him in years, but when we got together again, it was as if it was just yesterday. So cool. But his life is so different from mine and I am constantly awed by his life. He's extremely athletic having won some medals in some BC Games. I'm sure he could have gone on to the Olympics but he wasn't that interested. He loves the outdoors. He lives in the middle of no-where and loves it. The one thing we do have in common is our love for travelling. However, he is single and can go whenever he wants to. And so I had a good laugh when he said that he was going to go canoeing in the Amazon. You know, anybody else I'd have to question it. With this guy, I'm not because I know he's going to do it. Oh, the adventures this man has been through compared to my life. So different from mine. Yet, I couldn't imagine a different life for him. So cool.

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