Saturday, January 7, 2012


Tonight, I watched a taped episode of Marketplace. It's a CBC show that does have merit. However, I don't watch it often because I really can't stand most of the hosts. But tonight's episode was about Canada's stores with the worst customer service. They ended up being Zellers, Canadian Tire, and Walmart. Well, I can definitely agree with Zellers and Walmart. I don't go to those stores for customer service, I go there for the best price in something. But even then, sometimes I have to think about going. Canadian Tire has been hit and miss with me. But fortunately, I've found some folks there that are actually helpful. I have to admit I didn't last through the program because watching it was so brutal. I've had bad enough experiences that I don't need to see someone else's bad experiences. UGH. And seriously CBC, change the hosts on Marketplace. Yes, some of them are THAT bad.

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