Wednesday, July 1, 2009


We all hear the numbers of those that are unemployed. I see it everyday outside my office. Yes, I agree that there will always be those that are unemployed. But it's been a while since I've seen so many faces outside my office each morning.

Though it's difficult to be unemployed,(believe me I've been there and didn't like it one bit) I also saw this as an opportunity to make some good career choices. I wanted to know what I was good at and what I really wanted to do. If I were to go back to school, what would I go back as? But if I did, I'd want to make sure it was the right choice as I didn't want to spend a ton of time and money only to find that I hated it.

That's why I always tell those that are unemployed to use the opportunity to do some career counselling. For Canadians, your tax dollars pays for a service like this, so why not use the service? Find out if you should go into a health care career, or something artsy...maybe you'll find out a type of job that you didn't know you'd be good at and liked! That's always nice. And really, the potential to find a job that you'll like is a pretty awesome idea.

But take the time to do the research about yourself and your future career. I hate seeing familiar faces back in the unemployment line.

1 comment:

ICT said...

Study your resume carefully so that you'll be able to backup your claims to your various skills and abilities. Be logical in answering questions and apply common sense.