Sunday, July 5, 2009


Recently, I joined this website called Postcrossing. Basically, you send postcards out to random people who have also joined the site. And in good time, other random people will send you a postcard from their country. I liked the concept because I really liked the idea of penpals...however, I just don't have the time to really keep up with that activity. All except for 1 good pen pal at this time. I thought that postcrossing would be a good alternative...send things around the world, eventually learn about others but there was no need to return mail to that same person. It's also a cheap hobbyt that I can afford!!

I've received about 7 postcards at this time. I've received cards from different countries and from some cities I've never even heard of. How awesome! I've been fortunate enough to receive postcards that actually say more than hi. Many folks tell me about their life, what their doing, interesting facts about their country. Some have been so amazing as to make their own cards to send.

The neat part about the website itself is that I can find out a little about the people that are on there. LOL! There was one person I wrote to that was actually a 6 month old child. I had to re-read the person's info to make sure I had it right. But the "kid" had said that his mom is helping him read the postcards. How cool...the mom is just reading and telling the kid about people around the world.

It's also been neat because I can show my girls pictures of other countries and help them learn about the world too. If anything, it's just a small reminder to me that there really are some great people out there. If you're interested, it's if you're really adventuresome, there's also a bookswap version of this:

Anyways, I have to share this commercial with you. Leave it to the Japanese to come up with a great marketing concept. But it has to do with mailing stuff. Call me sappy, but I cried my little eyes out when the grandfather sends a package to his grand daughter. Man, if these kit kat mailing packages ever come here, you know I'll be sending it to my postcrossing friends.

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