Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I've recently picked up a book that I had put down a couple of months ago. It's called The Realm of Hungry Ghosts. I'm not sure it would be a book that I would have picked up just off the shelf...but I was invited to his book party and I was quite intrigued by him, what he had to say, and his demeanor. He battled his own addiction (buying) and he really saw himself no different from those in the downtown eastside. Basically, he was a human being that was addicted.

This doctor's book discusses his work in the Vancouver downtown Eastside, what he sees, his thoughts, how he helps, and his opinions on current assistance from the government. It's a pretty tough book to get through and maybe that's why I put it down. Though drug rehab is an answer for some, it's not a solid answer for all those in the Downtown Eastside. I found his opinions on safe injection sites and decriminalization of drugs refreshing and interesting. Are they the right answers? I'm not sure. But if anything, the book talks about his patients, what they're going through, their thoughts, their histories that makes the book extra compelling.

I hope that I am never going to be a parent that has to deal with kids that meddle into drugs. That's why I think it's never too young to get drug information and discuss the information with your kids. It's my job to protect them...this is just one of many ways.

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