Saturday, August 7, 2010


I'm currently a First Aid attendant at my office. As part of my duties, I need to ensure that the First Aid boxes are up to date and the appropriate supplies are in it. Or more like, ensuring that there are enough supplies because people haven't pilfered through it thinking it's their own medical supply box.

So I checked the box recently, and some items are missing or not correct. I went to a local place that sold medical supplies and asked to buy the missing items. Unfortunately, every medical company sells specific items under different names. And this guy had no clue what I was asking about and couldn't help me.

So, I called another medical supply place and I left a message. They couldn't be bothered to call me back.

I asked our finance person if we could order online. Well, the one place is for industrial supplies but I'd have to order in bulk. Nope. We don't need 600 of the conforming bandages.

I'm off on my own time tomorrow hoping this next place will have the basics for the First Aid kit. I just hope that nobody needs the supplies until the box is refilled. Worst First Aider's nightmare.

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