Thursday, August 26, 2010


I have a pen pal that I just adore. She's from Wrexam, UK. I had to look for that place on the map! Never even heard of it.

The other day she had written me and was just talking about her life, current renovations at her house, her family, etc. Just normal stuff which I love. But she asked me a question about invitations. She had received a Christmas dinner invitation...and this was a couple of weeks it too early?

Really? Do I even have to think about this one?! YES. It's too early for a Christmas invitation. YES, it's too early for the Christmas trees to be out at Costco. YES, I think that Christmas stuff should not be out until after Rememberance Day.

Seriously, I will go bonkers if Christmas becomes a year round event.


Tam-Tam W. said...

ha! i leave my christmas lights up year round, scrooge mcduck!!

karen said...

yeah, lights up year round saves time