Thursday, August 12, 2010

Information Management

I was telling a co-worker about my fun times at the Powell Street Festival. One of the things I was telling him about was how the guy sitting next to me also worked for the government but was in the field of information management.

My co-worker and I talked about how this field really is the future. There is just SO much information out there. And unless it's tagged/catalogued in a meaningful way, it's not useful.

One of the forms of management my co-worker would like to see is document management. He works with a large group of folks and they all have a shared network drive and each person has a folder full of documents. But he mentioned that at least 1/2 of it is duplicate information, if you're searching for stuff, you don't know what's most recent, and how one copy is different from another. TOO much information but no way to use it properly.

Seriously, information management is the future.

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