Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Vortex can be defined in many ways. According to dictionary.com, one of the definitions given to this word was:

"something regarded as drawing into its powerful current everything that surrounds it: the vortex of war."

Today, I'd like to discuss the Vortex of Darkness or should I say, the Vortexes/Vortices of Darkness in my life. These are the people that are so ultra negative that suck the life out of me. Perhaps I'm being dramatic, but I can only say, after spending time with these vortexes, I usually feel drained, angry, resentful, and sometimes just meh.

Prime example, I've worked in my current office/associated with the current office when working off site for over 12 years. This one woman I've worked with has been there since I started at the office. And everytime I see her, we chat about her life, her current partner, things she's working on and I SWEAR, within 5 minutes, I'm so done with her. Everything is so negative. She has an excuse for everything. Everything is just every body else's fault. Blah, blah, blah.

So 12 years of time with this person means that I can make an assessment on how I truly feel about this person. And I really would categorize her as the Vortex of Darkness. UGH. Honestly, she makes Eeyore seem "happy." Is she nice? Absolutely! But her choices make her miserable and her actions based on her choices makes those around her dislike hanging out with her.

Being positive is no easy chore. And changing into someone that is positive is no easy chore either. But it can be done. I remember in my younger years, I had a tendency to be a vortex myself and someone finally said to me, "you're so fricken negative." I was shocked and upset. But that was the shake up I needed. It was the kickstart that helped me make different choices for myself and to see the world in a more positive light. I listened and I'm so much happier for it...and hopefully those around me don't feel that negative pull. Don't get me wrong, I do have bad days and I complain. But after I have my rant, I move on...continue living life...focussing on all that is good. It has made me resilient to the many changes and things that happened in my life. I'm no Dali Llama...but I'm no vortex either.

But this woman who is close to retiring won't change. Have people told her she's negative? Absolutely. But she hasn't heard a word, chooses not to hear what is being told, has every excuse in the book and has not changed one bit since the 12 years I've known her. I only wish her and others like that happiness and hopefully one day, they can break out of that darkness and start being the Vortex of Light.

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