Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Oh, what a glorious day! It's National Unfriend Day. Yes, it hasn't got quite the same punch as Christmas, but today is a great day. NUD is really a day to unfriend all those people from Facebook that you don't talk to, you don't want talk to, haven't heard from in 6 months, are not actually friends with, etc.

Granted, I unfriend people all the time in Facebook. Call it spring cleaning...all the time. I get unfriended all the time and I don't even remotely get upset. And that's because people have chosen to not have me see parts of their life. And I totally respect that...especially if we're really not friends, less than acquantances, and have no desire to actually be friends.

So, thanks Jimmy Kimmel for putting some great songs together about unfriending. This is one of my favourites.

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