Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grumpy Old Men

I never thought I'd like this movie, but dang. Watching 2 old grumpy men hanging out with each other is way too funny. And I particularly liked the scene where they are in a car and a bike is going way faster than them.

And I bring this up because I recently read yet another study on how personalities are basically solidified by the time a child is 6 years old. My one kid will be turning 7 so what I have is what I have. But even funnier is this kid that I see at my kid's mandarin school each week.

I swear, this kid is exactly like one of those grumpy old men!!! Every activity, he moans and groans and has to make some derogatory comment. Nothing is ever good enough. And everything is stupid. I shouldn't laugh because the poor kid will probably have the crap beaten out of him at school because of his attitude. Let's hope he's not 6 yet.

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