Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Sometime last week, I went to go see some friends. Part of the reason was just to catch up with them and the other half was to talk about some trips we recently took. Of course I yapped about my Oprah trip.

Besides talking about Oprah, I actually let them see my pictures and videos of Chicago. Comments all around. But when my one friend got to my Segway video, they were killing themselves laughing. Basically, they were laughing because I looked SO happy with my wide ass grin, laughing big time and just looking enthralled with my Segway ride. "How can you be SO happy on a Segway Alice?!" I just said I was having such a great time.

I ended up leaving earlier than the other buds. And they started to talk about my Segway video once again. "I don't think I've ever smiled that hard and wide in my life...let alone for a Segway ride." Or she said something to that effect. She ended up telling me she said this to her friend.

So I ended up watching the video again today to see what she was talking about. LOL! Well, I do look a little on the crazy side. And I really was smiling from ear to ear. But I'm so glad that I was even though I look like a loser and goof.

The reason being, I can honestly tell I was happy and truly enjoying myself in the moment. Yep. Being mindful. With so much hardship, craziness and responsibilities in life, why not be in the moment to also enjoy the great things in life. I probably smile like that when I get a really good kickass bowl of soup or just being able to walk out in the sun. Being able to enjoy these moments of happiness really puts things into perspective and puts balance in my life. And really, enjoying these moments of happiness sure beats being in a funk all the time.

So enjoy whatever moment of happiness you have today.

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