Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I had a lovely weekend with great friends in Birch Bay. Nothing but good company, good food and great shopping. Yes, even in Bellis Fair. Got some great deals. That makes a girl giddy!

But before I left, my one kidlet was spiking a fever. My husband was really good about it. He listened to my instructions, actually read them too, and wished me a good time.

When I got home, that same kidlet was still sick. And seriously, it's been a while since she's been that sick. Her fevers just show up and spike quite high. Then her runny nose is driving her crazy. We have gone through at least 2 boxes of tissue paper and 3 rolls of toilet paper in a 4 days. For a little person, that's a lot. Environmentalists would not be happy.

And even though I'm staying home to take care of the kidlet, I'm getting frustrated now too. I was a bit sick going down to Birch Bay. And now, not sleeping well at all has made me a cranky bear. For the last 2 nights, the kidlet will sleep, then for a good hour or so, I'll be waking up, wiping her noise, patting her back to bed and then going back to bed myself. Then soon as I close my eyes, we do the whole cycle again. Throughout the day, it's no better. So I try to nap when possible.

I took her to the doctor's today and he confirmed it was a viral infection. Her body suddenly broke out in this weird ass rash...so she's got roseola. Nothing I can do except stay the course of fluids and sleep when possible for her.

Poor thing. I really do feel bad for her. But for everybody's sake around here, I hope she gets better real soon or I'm going to be ultra cranky. That's not a good thing.

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