Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Weekend

Oh, it's been pretty good. Got some cleaning done which is a heck of a lot better than none! Got to putter around the house. And I watched a hell of a lot of tv so far. But there are times where I just want to do nothing. I'm allowed to do that right? And my husband is on pager...I figured that I can't really do outside activities with the whole might as well watch some good tv.

However, that's not possible when I go to my parent's place. They have basic cable and of course the Chinese channel. I went over to their place on Thursday as I wanted to say hello...and of course, get a meal cooked for me. They were so ok with that and made sure I had leftovers for 3 meals. Ummm...THANKS!!!! Gosh, not having to cook is a total blessing. And they are happy to oblige. Gotta love parents.

Anyway, I'm waiting for dinner and watching a bit of tv. And with basic cable, there was SERIOUSLY nothing to watch that day. It was so bad that I watched Much Music. The last time I watched anything on that show, I must have been 15. But the worst part was that it wasn't music videos, but it was Paris Hilton's British Best Friend reality show. Yeah. I've sunk to a new low. But the show is a total train wreck and I couldn't peel myself away. It was so painful and yet I sat there. These peopel are so in love with Paris it's not even funny. Heck, there were only 44 at the tryouts are something like that...guess there must be some fans. But these people were gushing and fighting like dogs to be Paris' BFF. The challenges they go through are ridiculous such as the flirting challenge. And one person that wasn't good at the flirting challenge was one of 2 people to be eliminated. And Paris says, "You didn't do well in the flirting challenge. I don't think you're taking this competition seriously." WTF?!

Someone just knock me over the head with a frying pan if you see me watching this damn show again. Lost 1/2 hour of my life that I'll never get back....

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