Sunday, April 12, 2009


As we bought a new car, I've buckled down and stopped spending on any extras. I get REALLY freaked out when I'm in the red and I don't want to go down that path. It's hard to get out. Maybe it's easier for others, but it can be a real slippery path for me.

So, I've been pretty much ignoring any sale sign that is up at stores. True will power I say. But it's been good for me and my wallet.

But I feel bad that I'm not stimulating the economy...I must say I was a real contributor.

On a totally different note, I saw one of these "RATE AND COMMENT ON THIS VIDEO use your Youtube account to rate and comment on that video, if you don't have one create a youtube account... hopefully five stars but be honest!" I don't know if the contestant is actually playing along because I can't see the rest of the show. But I don't think I want to watch the rest. If they say to be honest, I say 0 out of 5. I think it's terrible!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be thankful ALL the malls are closed today (except for the big dept stores).

Enjoy quality time with your family today.