Sunday, April 19, 2009


Well, if you can believe it, I'm actually looking forward to Monday. I know, I'm crazy. But there obviously is a reason. When I first joined this particular department, I was given a job that I really believed in and was passionate about. And in terms of the topic, I still am passionate about the topic. However, politics, process, and people with real issues made me hate the job. To me, it's unfortunate.

But it was one of those things, I could either do something to change it or stick with it and stop complaining. And so, when my one co-worker left for a mat leave, I asked to act in her position while she was away. I knew it was for a limited time only as she was on maternity leave. But fate would have it that she ended up taking more time which meant I got to act in the role for even longer.

And I've been in a job such as this before and loved it. I felt so happy to be able to do it again and for such a longer period of time. But no matter how happy I was to be in this "acting" job and not having to deal with crap in my last job, I knew that it was a matter of time before I had to go back. Eventually, the woman on mat leave would have to come back unless she won the lotto.

But life is funny sometimes. When you're ready for something and if you're patient enough, things really do come your way. You see, the one co-worker that I refer to about 4 posts back is really leaving. Her spot is now free...and she does the same work as what I'm doing. So, I'm moving into her spot and that job officially becomes mine until I decide to move on. That means, I never have to go back to my other job. No more of having to deal with crap politics and stupid processes that totally disregard the intent of the program. I'm sure I'll deal with other things in this position. But having done the job for 2 years, I'm ready for the politics that are coming my way.

So, I tell you all of this because tomorrow, I get to sign my papers to officially move to this new position. ADIOS to my old one. I'm thankful for all that it's taught me and I've met some amazing people. But I'm ready to move on.

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