Sunday, September 14, 2008


My kid is once again in Mandarin school, but she has a different teacher this year. She does things quite differently from the other one that my kid had. However, the kids in that class all pretty much speak Mandarin. It makes it a little harder for my kid to catch up.

So, the past week has been immersion week. I've been speaking to both of my kids in Mandarin a lot more. Whatever I can say and describe, I do. However, it's a lot for a little kid who is being immersed in a language so suddenly. I feel for her. But I also remember that the same thing happened to me and it turned out ok. I know it's been extra tough because there was 1 night that she wanted to quit. We had the little "I know it's hard, but you can't just quit" talk. And I do try to make it fun, incorporating some games, really giving her positive praise for being able to read the words, knowing her alphabet...or even just attempting the word. I want her to enjoy it. And I want her to enjoy the ability to speak to others in different languages.

She went to school this past Saturday and I guess the teacher had taught a lot. I walked in after class and she had her head on the table. At first I thought she was crying because she tends to do that position when crying. Well, I had such a good laugh because she had fallen asleep during class!! I know she had enough sleep the night before...but her little brain and body said enough is enough. Before everybody thinks I beat my kid into submission to learn a language, I don't. I think it's counter intuitive. I'd rather have her learn really slowly but actually enjoy it. And though I felt bad for her with the onslaught of this language, I know it'll pass. I've been through it, I get it.

So imagine my joy when she came out of her room this morning...and the first thing she said was "Good morning mommy, good morning daddy" all in mandarin and ever so effortlessly.

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