Friday, September 12, 2008


You have a kid and you automatically start talking bodily function stories. OMG. WHY on earth do parents feel the need to describe the poo? Really. And I'm one of those that are guilty of this trait. However, I will spare you the details of poop, but I feel that I need to tell you a brief poop-like story.

I'm hanging out with my kids. I decide to take the youngest and put her on top of my shoulders. Well, soon as I plop her down, she lets out the biggest crap. Remember, her soggy ass diaper is on my neck now and it's WARM. You get the picture. The little kid started to giggle hysterically. Huh. It's like she planned it all along.....

So, imagine how scared I was to take her off and wipe my neck. I was really worried that my neck had crap on it and then my hand. Well, lucky for me, no stains, no pieces, etc. But boy, my neck smelled bad for a long time.

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