Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to the Grind

Two weeks go by too fast. My "vacation" is over. I wouldn't necessarily call it a vacation because I didn't go anywhere. I would have loved the beach and some blue water, but this "vacation" was all about getting the kids integrated into their respective kindergarten/daycare. The oldest daughter has transitioned into her new daycare and kindergarten quite well. I hope she makes some great little frienships there. She's lucky that her large kindergarten class got split into a smaller one where she is one of 14 kids in the class. The one thing she loves so far is the Hip Hip Hooray cheer at the end! Gosh, how sweet that a cheer at the end of class would make her so happy. Let's try doing that at work! ROFL! I think I'd have pies thrown at me.

The youngest will actually start her daycare tomorrow. She's so ready. She was so upset today that we couldn't go. She whined through the whole shopping trip. But at least I know she won't need me much and will transition just fine too. She's been to her daycare and loves the toys. That's all it takes. =) But if anything, I got to have some special one on one time with her while her sister was in school.

Highlights of my 2 weeks off:

* Granville Island with the kids and my dad. It was actually stress free, I found free parking in a flash, and the kids were happy as can be with their little lollipops at the end of the trip.

* clearing out this one drawer that has been driving me mad.

* cleaning up a kitchen drawer that was also driving me mad.

* swimming with the kids.

* the weather was just stunning! Gave me an opportunity to just hang outside with the kids.

* blackberry picking by my house. Got about 4 lbs this week! Fresh and tasty.

* a ton of appointment out of the way.

* just hanging out.

Could I have accomplished more? For sure! But it was a good time to hang.

But I could have still used a beach, blue water and a good book.

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