Sunday, September 21, 2008


I'm a bit of a chicken driver sometimes. I like to go the speed limit. Sometimes I go above, but it's rare. I drive a little slower when it's raining, dark, foggy, snowy. I try to follow rules and drive sensibly. I'm also an early merger (hee, hee...Miss N., you'll SO get that reference). There are times I goof up, but I really do try to be conscious of my driving.

But when other idiots are out there and not paying attention, full on road rage by me. Too me, they're being irresponsible and putting everybody else in jeapordy in some form or another. Get my drift?

Today, I got caught driving behind a person that was driving slowly. Not 10 km below the speed limit or even 20km. In fact, this person was driving about 15 km....maybe. Ok, I'm no track athlete, but I have a feeling that I could have outrun that car today. I didn't bother honking because I was turning off very soon. But I just thought, how can you be that oblivious to all that's around you?

I'd hate to see that woman on the highway.....

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